Lokie's PYOs: In-Progress Smutty Buckskin Unicorn, Page 12

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Lokie's PYOs: In-Progress Smutty Buckskin Unicorn, Page 12

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        This piece is not finished and probably will not be done anytime soon, as I have other projects that have priority 😳

        So why bother posting photos now, you ask? He he, because he is very appropriate to Halloween. Not because of his color scheme (as he is inspired by a Tiger’s Eye gemstone), but because of the current condition of the surface of the sculpt. It looks like my poor dragon swam in acid. In places his detail is eroded away, in others, its marred. Complete with removable eyes just for Halloween 😈 (but, really, because they fell out) 😆 Very scary. Happy Halloween!

        A close up of just one of his flawed areas:


        As a disclaimer, I did not receive the PYO sculpt like this from Windstone Editions. He is just a poor victim of too much experimenting (don’t ask me what kind; just take my word for it that I’m never happy with something and ruin everything), which disfigured him. I couldn’t bring myself to throw away the sculpt (who could?), so I used it to practice techniques on. I eventually decided to give him a “rock” theme, and I tell myself his “flaws” are just a natural result of exposure to the outdoor elements 😆 I’ve actually grown quite attached so his imperfections no longer bother me 😀 A sculpt only a mother could love 🙄 😆


          OH LOKIE! I WANT…I WANT…I WANT! 😯 I just love those colors!!! Pst it’s Christmass soon… 😉


            A ZOMBIE!!!!

            (kidding! He’s neat! 😀 )

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
            My art: featherdust.com


              I think it’s neat looking. I esp. like the colors on the wing!


                Looks GREAT! I like the tiger eye too! 😉


                  He’s very pretty. I don’t even mind the paint blobs. 😀


                  He is awesome looking! I just love the colors you used, especially on the wings!


                  Looks great so far!


                    I really really like this one- a lot! Very natural looking colors, the blending- I even like the scarring! As if he were a wild animal who’d had his troubles. Even the red eye looks great- all lizardy.


                    Ooh, I love him! I think his “scars” look kinda cool. 😉


                      I personally really like the colour scheme on him. And the scarring makes him a good match for the OW. Just younger.


                        Thank you, everyone! And I guess I could consider the sculpt’s surface flaws as “battle scars”, but then, this poor dragon get’s beat up an awful lot. He needs to stop fighting and become a lover, because he is doomed to start loosing limbs next 😆


                        I think he looks neat.


                          I really like the nice blend of colors on him. He has a nice natural look.

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