Lichen dragon and Autumn griffin

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    😀 Thanks, WSC! That helps me a lot, actually. I had been waffling over the neck feather patterning because it turned out a lot brighter than I thought it would. But it’s been well-received. I’m very happy about that because it was fun to put the colors together and now I have good reason to do more of that kind of thing. 😀

    The yellow . . . oh, that yellow! 😆 It started out really bright, “Aack!”-level bright. I hope I can remember what all I splashed onto him to tone it down! But it is a nice happy shade and plays well with others.

    The wings . . . hmm. I tried dry-brushing some areas, but I seem to be a bit of an idiot when it comes to dry-brushing. 😳 On the big flight feathers, I ended up glazing the oranges and reds over a base coat of yellow, and that worked better. The green striping was just done with thinned green laid down with a liner.

    Now I’m going to go hunt through your gallery for your banded-neck griffin. 🙂


    I still want to make grabby fingers at that Griff everytime I see it… 😳 🙄 😆 😆


      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      I still want to make grabby fingers at that Griff everytime I see it… 😳 🙄 😆 😆

      me too. it is just sooo pretty in person!


      Maybe I should order another green-eyed griffin and see if I can paint something close to the first one! 😆 I’m just such a slow painter . . . need more practice!


      You have done a great job, Barrdwing! The griffin looks cool and I LOVE the scales on the dragon! Love the wings, that is awesome!


      Thanks, CorgiMomma! 🙂


      I’m sorry about that PM Barrdwing!!! 🙄 I really do need a vacation though. 😳


        Wow…those look gorgous! I bet they are even better in person. Wonderful job!





        While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!

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