Katie Boo – RIP 1994-2008

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    Oh, how well I know that awful feeling of “take it back……”. :weep:

    Em, I’m so sorry about Katie. You did the best thing for her, and released her from her failing body to follow her soul and spirit into the Summerlands, where she’ll wait for you.


    I know it was hard for you, Em…but I am so proud of you for having the courage to give that last loving gift to Katie. She is still with you and always will be. She just lives in your heart now, but she still hears you and loves you and knows you love her.

    You did the right thing, truly you did. Take comfort in that, I know it’s hard today, but tomorrow will be easier, and the tomorrow after that…just keep looking forward to those tomorrows. Soon you will simply remember Katie with the joy and love she brought into your life and the sorrow will have faded into the past.

    I like the poem your friends found for you, I need to send it to Doc…so he can post it in his office.








          Em, I’m so sorry. It’s so hard, but you did the right thing. I understand how you feel when you say you want her back. I feel the same way about our chocolate Lab. It’s been over a year, but not a day goes by that I don’t miss her. It was her time and I know it, but I too wish I could turn time back to when she was young and healthy. I’m crying with you….. 😥


          The poem is beautiful. Thank you for sharing it, Emerald. Give yourself some time to heal. My thoughts are with you.


            Thank you, all!


              Ok, now I’m crying, for Katie Boo and my Mitzy Kitty. *Hugs* Emerald.


                I’m so very sorry for the loss of your kitty, Emerald. 🙁 Pets are family, and I know how it hurts to lose them. *Big hugs*


                  I’m so sorry for your loss, Emerald. 🙁 The poem is lovely and brought tears to my eyes thinking of my own passed pets. Thank you for sharing.


                  The poem was beautiful! It reminded me of Sugar and Mothball and the fact that I’m going to lose the last one of my childhood cats (Fluff) within the year…

                  So…. *many multiples of hugs*


                    I’m so sorry, Emerald. **hugs**

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