Just wondering…

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      Personally, I’d love to see the unicorn colt come out in the basic white color to go with the rest of my family. Ditto for the standing baby ki-rin. Classic colors please? 🙂


        I really love blue roans 😀 what about chestnut or sorrel as a colour though? I know it isn’t fancy, but it is a nice horse colour, especially if you make it nice and coppery. 🙂 They could have white snips on their noses, or you could make them paints. Speaking of paints, paint blue roans are GORGEOUS.

        Check out my finished artwork at http://falcolf.deviantart.com/ and my sketch/studio blog at http://rosannapbrost.tumblr.com/



          I just would love to see the standing kirins either way with or without a stamp or pad. I like the soft pads used on the last fox grab bags. I would also love to see the unicorn colts come out in regular colours to match my production baby unicorns like white, black and silver grulla!

          Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


          I really love blue roans 😀 what about chestnut or sorrel as a colour though? I know it isn’t fancy, but it is a nice horse colour, especially if you make it nice and coppery. 🙂 They could have white snips on their noses, or you could make them paints. Speaking of paints, paint blue roans are GORGEOUS.

          I would love to see a production chestnut one day too. I have flaxen chestnut grab bags, but a full chestnut would look nice, I assume it wouldn’t be too hard to paint if the mane and body are the same colour.

          Also looking forward to the standing Kirins.


          I agree, chestnuts are a great idea. Especially with white socks/blazes and metallic copper tones.

          [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


            I just would love to see the standing kirins either way with or without a stamp or pad. I like the soft pads used on the last fox grab bags. I would also love to see the unicorn colts come out in regular colours to match my production baby unicorns like white, black and silver grulla!

            ^ I agree with the above. Honestly, the bottoms to me don’t matter, I know who it’s coming from, and I’m not liable to resell/want to resell.

            I’m also pretty excited about Snerl! I’d love to see his baby, too. And also a figure for the demon wolf in The Veligent. 🙂


            Above comment: That demon wolf would be great. Also… how fares autumn leaf production?

            [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


              Above comment: That demon wolf would be great. Also… how fares autumn leaf production?

              Are you wondering about the autumn leaf colour for dragons it it’s being painted? I am wondering that too. I am also wondering since we have autumn leaf adult poads as a production colour would it be possible to bring out young and baby poads in a similar production colour/leaf pattern to match the adults?

              Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                I really love blue roans 😀 what about chestnut or sorrel as a colour though? I know it isn’t fancy, but it is a nice horse colour, especially if you make it nice and coppery. 🙂 They could have white snips on their noses, or you could make them paints. Speaking of paints, paint blue roans are GORGEOUS.

                I believe the Chestnut or Sorrel versions may be call ‘Strawberry Roans’ and ‘Red Roans’ – not quite sure which basic color is which roan. Both are really pretty to me – especially the ‘Red Roan’ color. 🙂

                IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


                  Genetically, both strawberry and red roans are the same. Sorrel and chestnut are their respective base colors and are genetically the same. Roan is a gene that ‘modifies’ the base color. Sorrel is a color term usually used for chestnut horses with a light/flaxen mane and tail and together with the roan gene would make a strawberry roan. The mane and tail on a red roan would be the same as the chestnut body color. Then there is bay roan (black legs, mane and tail, red body) and blue roan ( black body base color). You can actually have roan on any base color, which gets hard to see on some of the really light colored horses.
                  Sorry about the color rant. I’m a horse nut first and foremost. You should see the discussions on some of the horse color genetics Facebook pages. Crazy! The model horse companies are getting better with portraying accurate horse colors. Especially Stone Horses.
                  I would love to see a blue roan unicorn with the silver horn! Any horse color in the ‘cool’ spectrum would look good in a silver horn.

                  Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.

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