July 2016 Grab Bag Horses!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags July 2016 Grab Bag Horses!

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    I’m ordering mine after I write this message (BAD Woman! NOT IN BUDGET! *Sticks out tongue at sensible adult personality*).
    They all are beautiful – as usual. However, my favorite is third class picture, last row, left corner. Although not close, he still looks like the horse I had for over 24 years. IF anyone gats him, and is not in love, please check with me 🙂


      I like the light coloured ones, palomino and cream colours and some dappled grey ones. I am just worried if any of us in Canada will actually be able to get them. I guess we will find out tomorrow or by Wednesday if Canada Post is going on strike or not.

      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


        Probably shouldn’t have, but I did. 😛
        I just hope I get one with an interesting pattern and colors, and not just a plainer whiteish, blackish or Palomino. I Love ‘different’ :love:

        Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
        Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

        *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
        *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


        Soooo wished I could afford one, but sadly…can’t. They’re all so beautiful…especially fond of the dapple greys and pintos. Had to squash the temptation. And well, it really sucked to have to do that. 🙁

        Can we expect regular production horses soonish? :love:


          I was all excited thinking my GB might be shipped tomorrow but then I remembered it’s 4th of July >.< lol maybe Tuesday then!

          *Formerly meowmix101
          Not currently open for PYO commissions.


          I totally can’t wait. Even though I know it will take forever to get to Australia. ^^ I am curious to know if a GB ever opens up to 2 per person? Wondering because these seem to be sitting in the shop longer than the last GB I witnessed… which was a small batch.

          Ahhh so excited this is my first GB

          DREAM/GRAIL POAD = #9 of the 2021 Spring Young GB

          Always looking to increase my Poad Clutter.
          After GB poads of all ages
          Please Msg me if you have one who might like living in Aus


          Seeking a Zeppard Poad, PREF Teal / Blue eyes
          Dream/Grail Piece/s; Okapi Adult Poad; #9 of the 2021 Spring Young GB


            Yes, in the past when a GB has lasted in the store for more than a few days, they have lifted the ban. And this was a large batch :), but I have no idea when they make that decision, those were before my time.


              I am so excited for these. I especially love the flea-bitten and roan ones, and the ones that see to have a kind of glow to them (varnish? frosted? I don’t know what the proper term is). So many lovelies.

              If the one per customer limit gets removed, I wonder if the looming Canada Post strike might make it so that two orders could be combined. That would save on shipping costs.


                I am so excited for these. I especially love the flea-bitten and roan ones, and the ones that see to have a kind of glow to them (varnish? frosted? I don’t know what the proper term is). So many lovelies.

                If the one per customer limit gets removed, I wonder if the looming Canada Post strike might make it so that two orders could be combined. That would save on shipping costs.

                Hope it doesn’t get lifted too soon…still hoping I can possibly grab one but it will probably be a long shot. I know most grab bags I have seen sold out within two or three days. The longest one was the colts…it was almost a week I think before they sold out. The only time I remember seeing the ban lifted was on the arctic fox I think. Small batches go faster….and less expensive ones go faster. The young unicorn was a more pricier grab bag but was highly anticipated so that’s why they sold out fast.


                XD I guess we wait and see.
                Homg… I totally forgot about the unicorn young GB… but remembered the Gothic unicorns ^^;;

                DREAM/GRAIL POAD = #9 of the 2021 Spring Young GB

                Always looking to increase my Poad Clutter.
                After GB poads of all ages
                Please Msg me if you have one who might like living in Aus


                Seeking a Zeppard Poad, PREF Teal / Blue eyes
                Dream/Grail Piece/s; Okapi Adult Poad; #9 of the 2021 Spring Young GB


                  Just got a notice that my pony is shipping today. 🙂


                    Got a shipping notice – mine will probably be here Friday or Saturday 😀


                      Lucky dogs! I haven’t gotten a notice yet, but I’ve got my fingers crossed for tomorrow!

                      *Formerly meowmix101
                      Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                        Lucky dogs! I haven’t gotten a notice yet, but I’ve got my fingers crossed for tomorrow!

                        Me too, I’m so so excited! Hope mine ships soon! 🙂

                        .*ºSearching for Spectrals and Rising Spectrals in all patterns and colors!º*.


                        WooHoo …. My pony shipped on its way home to me today! My first grab bag and I can’t wait to hold my baby. Hope everyone’s gets on their way and home soon. I just discovered Windstone couple months back and I’m addicted. They are beautiful on the web site but so amazing in person. 🙂

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