July 2013 GBY Unicorn Picture Thread

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags July 2013 GBY Unicorn Picture Thread

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      Well, thought I might as well start it off. Fingers and toes crossed for a safari.
       photo combinedclasspicgrabbagyuni92013180resstackedvertical571x700_zps4acac285.jpg


      Here are most of my favorites so far. Of course, they’re all pretty awesome!

       photo GBYU.jpg


        I want a fantasy candycorn. I like a few in the bottom picture. Does anyone know if the rainbow zebra in both pictures is the same unicorn or if there are two that look the same?

        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


        I remember at least two rainbow zebras from the livestreams…


          Will anyone get their unis today? Can’t wait to see them!


            I want a fantasy candycorn. I like a few in the bottom picture. Does anyone know if the rainbow zebra in both pictures is the same unicorn or if there are two that look the same?

            There are two different rainbow tigers. You can’t tell in these photos but one has a purple head.


              Mine could be here as early as tomorrow!


              I’m hoping for a Leaf one,…..I’m a leaf design nut….mine shipped yesterday…..OMG! Can’t wait to see her!



                I got mine today – a safari-tiger. She’s normal tiger colors with gold or tan eyes. This is one of the very few I don’t like! She’s very well painted, I’m just not a tiger lover. LOL

                I’ll try to get photos before we leave town tomorrow. She will be up for trade. I’m pretty open to trades (except for other tigers). I’ll consider poads or babies in addition to youngs (or even a young from an older batch + a little money maybe.)

                Excited to see more of these! 🙂


                  I like that there are two rainbow zebra/tigers! I wish I could get one like that or a leafy/feathery one with pastel or rainbow colours!

                  Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                    *******Fingers crossed, toes crossed *****

                    Mine will be here Saturday or Monday! I will have to make sure I am home when hopefully the fantasy young arrives! I absolutely love so many of the fantasy youngs that I have a pretty good probability of being very happy.

                    ********Fingers crossed, toes crossed ******


                      An African Wild Dog safari unicorn named “Meatloaf” arrived this morning! Meatloaf has dark brown eyes and two olivine gems and in the class photo, is located in the top group, second column from the right, 4th uni down (between king cheetah and the blue uni with colorfully ornate design). 🙂


                        Oh he was one of my favorites siberakh1 you are sooooo lucky!!!! Congratulations!!


                          An African Wild Dog safari unicorn named “Meatloaf” arrived this morning! Meatloaf has dark brown eyes and two olivine gems and in the class photo, is located in the top group, second column from the right, 4th uni down (between king cheetah and the blue uni with colorfully ornate design). 🙂

                          The Wild Dogs are definitely my top favorites, congratulations!

                          And, Kiya, don’t let that Tiger go anywhere yet!!!! 😀


                            I finally get to go home tomorrow so I have to wait until then to see. Don’t trade that tiger yet Kiya! =). There are a ton I wouldn’t mind having….Haven’t been able to post pics of the ones I like cause I am on my dumb-A iPad lol. Can’t wait to see some good pics though!

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