Jewels on keeper dragons

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      I just ordered my first PYOs, but I’m an experienced miniature painter from my wargaming days. I’m really excited about painting in this scale. My statute should be here on Thursday, I am very excited to get started!

      My question is this: has anyone added extra jewels to the keeper dragon? I looked around and haven’t seen any for sure, but I’m hoping to paint him like a starry sky, so I would love to add some “stars” to the statue.


        Hm. I have not added any extra jewels to a Keeper, though it sounds like a really cool idea. And I don’t think I’ve seen any Keepers that anyone else has tried that with either. Where are you planning on adding the jewels? In between scales, on top of scales, on wings? It sounds like a neat idea. Would love to see photos after you’re done!

        Edit: Also, starting out on minis and then moving on to one of these guys? I’m really interested to see your Keeper! When I changed how I painted these guys I went off of miniature painting guides…so my curiosity level is maxed out now!


          I think I want to use the very tiny (~1mm) rhinestones, and I want to put them on the small scaled areas. The legs, the tops of the wings, the chest…I may have to “carve” a place for them to go. I really want to give the impression of a starry night sky.


            I’m sure that someone did this on a small PYO dragon (still looking for photos)…

            The idea was discussed back in 2013 and Melody seemed OK with it:

            edit – the jeweled dragon is on ebay. Reading the text, it sounds like the painter may have used flat-back jewels and glued them to the piece:


              Ah, thank you very much. Not at all the same kind of application I want to do, but it definitely gives me more ideas to work with. I may well just use my pin vise and drill some nice little indentations for my jewels so they sit nice and secure.

              I’m so excited about this PYO, it’s a gift for someone very special and I want it to be perfect.


                It sounds lovely! I hope you can post photos when the dragon is done. 🙂


                  Sounds lovely! Can’t wait to see!

                  Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.


                    Does anyone know the dangling distance for what the keeper is holding? I don’t have my statute yet, but I wanted to get started making his trinket.


                      The distance from upper edge of the hole to tabletop is about 3 inches. Lower (outside) edge of the hole to tabletop is 2 1/2 inches. In my opinion a trinket of about 2 inches is the correct size, but other people (with more experience) may feel differently.


                        I do not know how to post pictures. Hmm.


                          I do not know how to post pictures. Hmm.

                          You need a photo-hosting site like photobucket* and Hannah’s handy guide to posting photos which is a “sticky” near the top of the General Windstone page:

                          People on the Forum are very helpful and will post photos for you if you ask for assistance.

                          *If you use Facebook, I THINK you can have that as your photo-hosting site. I have re-posted photos here that are on the Windstone Facebook page.


                             photo IMAG1704_1_zpsafqjxjwx.jpg

                            This is my current prototype for the keeper’s trinket.


                              Ah! Orion! 🙂 One of my favorite constellations. If you don’t have a ready supply of point back gems (rather than flat back) in the right size I suggest an etsy seller known as MoonSpheres. Very friendly and has a wonderful assortment of colors and sizes available. If you plan on making indentations for the stones a point back might fit more securely than a flat back.

                              Also, for art projects you could always host your pictures on deviantART. Accounts are free to make and that’s where I host my pictures before I share them here.


                                I think I want to use the very tiny (~1mm) rhinestones, and I want to put them on the small scaled areas. The legs, the tops of the wings, the chest…I may have to “carve” a place for them to go. I really want to give the impression of a starry night sky.

                                or use the flat backed kind of jewels


                                  I’m really glad it’s recognizable! I believe that will be his name after it’s done. I do have a bunch of pointed back gems, I just think they will end up working better for me.

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