
It's time for the PYO swap!

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      Have you sold any on eBay? Might be good to look at records/pictures of those if you have them.


        Phoenix wrote:

        Nah. I doubt I was shipped an empty box.
        But my goodness, where did it go?
        I’ve looked at all of the different ones I’ve painted, and none have this eye color. I’m baffled.
        Maybe I should talk with my kids 😆

        Maybe it went to find the Globe Trotter Muse or the traveling dragon…

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.



          More likely, was tired of sitting in a box and made an escape!
          It is a head scratcher!


          Phoenix wrote:

          Oh no!
          The PYO I was going to use is missing in action!
          I had an empty box…
          I don’t know where it went cause the eye color is one I’ve never painted before!
          I’ve had it awhile and just in the back of my mind, knew it was there. Now the box is empty…
          I ordered a replacement. But wierd!

          WHOA Phoenix! That is wierd…..youve got a Windstone Ghost 😯 😉 . I hope you are able to find it eventually 😀 , what a shame if it is truly missing.


          That’s weird, Phoenix. I hope it turns up. 😕


          dragonmedley wrote:

          Phoenix wrote:

          Nah. I doubt I was shipped an empty box.
          But my goodness, where did it go?
          I’ve looked at all of the different ones I’ve painted, and none have this eye color. I’m baffled.
          Maybe I should talk with my kids 😆

          Maybe it went to find the Globe Trotter Muse or the traveling dragon…

          Hey DM, what is up with those 2 anyhow? Do they get sent around for everyone to paint a little somethin’ somethin’ on, and then sent to the next person? I was wondering about that. 😀 Would/could you PM me with some info on that? 😳 I feel stupid LOL! 😆


          Phoenix wrote:


          More likely, was tired of sitting in a box and made an escape!
          It is a head scratcher!

          LMAO!!! That would be funny….I can picture that… 😮 😯 FREAKY!!! Theres GOTTA be something WRONG with me, if I “CAN” picture that ROFLMAO! 😕 😆 😆


            I finally received my blank! And another one for a trade 😀

            Now what to do, what to do…

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            I’m still waiting on mine. I’m thinking of just painting over one of the partly painted ones I have hanging around here.


            Mine is here and pretty much ready to move on too, painted and purdy, just needs a top coat.


            im just about done with mine in between all the others i have been painting,i am done with windstone collectors griffin sent an e-mail but now their missing in action ❓


            Give WSC some time, fauxbird. She’s still active, she just hasn’t been on the forum in a bit. If I remember right, she’s going through some changes now.


              I’m still in touch with her too, so if you have trouble, I can shoot her an IM on Hotmail to get in touch with you.


              ok i was not worried,i just wanted to let her know he was done,so whenever shes ready we can make the swap 🙂


                Okay, my pyo arrived on Saturday and I had him finished Sunday 😀 Ironically, he wasn’t painted in my house at all XD All at a friends house.
                I love how he turned out! I hope my swap does too 😀

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