It is lung cancer

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      Because he has cancer he can’t get a second transplant. The only how he can get another one is if he can remain cancer free for 5 years. We’ve called the transplant center in pa and they are sending us information to have our records moved there. I’m just so frustrated with it all.


      purpledoggy wrote:

      So I’m starting to think that Hopkins is trying to hide something from us. From the get go once they did Danny’s surgery and told us he had cancer no one has sat down with us and said “hey this is what we found and this is what we need to do next”. Transplant has pretty much kicked us to the curb. They sent Danny home with pneumonia and now ONE WEEK after being home they brought him in to get a pic line placed and he has started on iv antibiotics. He has been trying to talk with the head of transplant ever since he was sent home. They keep telling us that the doctor will call us and he never did. So when he went in for his pic line placement they said the head of transplant would come talk to him there and guess what…. he never did. So today he called again and was told “hes with a patient but hes going to call you right back” and guess what HE NEVER DID! No one wants to talk to us and tell us what needs to be done. Danny has had to fight just to get something done about this pneumonia that he didn’t get until he was inpatient at hopkins. It seems that transplant figures Danny is a lost cause and they don’t want to deal with us anymore. I think they know they screwed up royal by not doing anything about this “spot” over a year ago that turned out to be cancer. I’m on the verge of calling a laywer. I want a copy of that original ct that said there was a spot 16 months ago that they didn’t follow up on until this year. If it says what I’m pretty damn sure it will say I want to nail them to the wall! No one should have to go through what they have put us through. They treat us like children, that we don’t know whats good for ourselves and that they are high and mighty John’s Hopkins.

      Definitely sue them if you can. From what you’re saying they sound very shady indeed and I can’t stand how hospitals treat not only patients but the family as well. I’ve had doctors flat out lie to me before and I’ve also had doctors with the worst bedside manner. You think to yourself ‘Why are these people even in the medical business? What ever happened to being a doctor because you want to HELP someone?’ I swear it’s just all about money. Patients are like slabs of meat that mean little to the people working there. Of course that’s not true of ALL hospitals by far, but you all get what I mean.

      I’ll continue to pray for Danny. Let him know we are all rooting for him, even complete strangers who have never met him before!


        The trouble with suing doctors is that most of them (I would imagine John Hopkins is up there) have INSANE amounts of malpractice insurance and some of the best lawyers in the country defending them. It is REALLY hard to prove a malpractice case, and honestly most people don’t because it is more money, time, and stress than is really worth it. I mean you would totaly have to prove negligence, like they installed a 60 year olds lung ridden with cancer by mistake, knew about it, wrote memos about how grossly negligent it was, and still didn’t do anything about it. And you’d have to actualy get all this evidence, prove all this in court, and hope that the doctors lawyers don’t present an outstanding case or have your evidence thrown out. No, suing doctors is a very very hard thing to do….I’m not saying don’t go for it if you really want to, but in all honesty, if PD goes to several lawyers they probably won’t even want to take her case because it’s just flat out not winnable. Not that they don’t think the doctors are wrong, but that the case is just not winnable in court and will only cost them a lot of time, money and part of their lives only to have a judge say it wasn’t the doctors fault.

        I wish it were otherwise, but sadly that’s the plain aweful thruth of it.

        What I WOULD do is change hospitals ASAP and tell EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE PEOPLE YOU KNOW, even strangers that you meet in the park, NOT to go to JH, EVER. Taking away their business is the most damaging thing you can do, just don’t say anything untrue, cus that’s slander 8) !

        Anyway, as always, lots of love and hugs to PD and Co.!!!


        I’m SO sorry all this is happening to you!! You have been through so much, and Barrwing is so right, you have to take care of yourself–eating, sleeping, exercise, and lots of B vitamins to combat stress– or you won’t be able to be there for Danny. On another note, sometimes it’s effective to let them know that if they won’t talk to you that you are considering legal action. That often gets people jumping around. Also considering taking it to your congressman and /or the media, and letting them know how you are being treated. I know when I worked for Social Security, and we got a congressional inquiry, we really started jumping around, they were very important. That doesn’t cost you anything like what an attorney would cost, and just the threat can be often more effective than actually having to do it. That way they have the chance to correct it and actually talk to you before you consult an attorney and that option is still open to you. They value their reputation and if mistreatment comes to light in a public way, they will want to pay attention. Another resource is the Public Relations Dept of the hospital. They will be interested to know if this is a threat to their image. Also the Medical Director of the hospital and the Director of Nursing are other resources. You do have some power in this and maybe you can’t fight the cancer on its ground but you can fight this system on your ground.
        Good luck and may the universe take good care of you! Please continue to keep us posted!!!


          drgnlvr wrote:

          I’m SO sorry all this is happening to you!! You have been through so much, and Barrwing is so right, you have to take care of yourself–eating, sleeping, exercise, and lots of B vitamins to combat stress– or you won’t be able to be there for Danny. On another note, sometimes it’s effective to let them know that if they won’t talk to you that you are considering legal action. That often gets people jumping around. Also considering taking it to your congressman and /or the media, and letting them know how you are being treated. I know when I worked for Social Security, and we got a congressional inquiry, we really started jumping around, they were very important. That doesn’t cost you anything like what an attorney would cost, and just the threat can be often more effective than actually having to do it. That way they have the chance to correct it and actually talk to you before you consult an attorney and that option is still open to you. They value their reputation and if mistreatment comes to light in a public way, they will want to pay attention. Another resource is the Public Relations Dept of the hospital. They will be interested to know if this is a threat to their image. Also the Medical Director of the hospital and the Director of Nursing are other resources. You do have some power in this and maybe you can’t fight the cancer on its ground but you can fight this system on your ground.
          Good luck and may the universe take good care of you! Please continue to keep us posted!!!

          *nods sagely* This actualy is VERY good advice, following up any any of thoes avenues, even just the Public Relations or Hospital Directors can help you feel like you’re doing something productive, and very well may actualy help the situation! Best of luck, and as always, LOTS OF HUGS AND LOVE!


            You can schedule a consultation with an attorney to see if you have a case. The real problem with malpractice cases is there are federal guidelines that determine how much money you are awarded if you win. Danny is young so you would get more money if you won, but for older people Malpractice cases usually aren’t worth the trouble.

            My Grandmother had one. She went into the hospital for surgery and was suppose to go to a rehab facility. But the Hospital couldn’t get her heart rate to stabilize. Eventually we just sent her to Rehab. Good thing we did because the hospital had doubled up her digitalis and that was why they couldn’t regulate her heart rate. The rehab place did a simple blood work up and found toxic levels of digitalis. When they checked her chart at the Hospital they discovered that the nurses had been giving it to her both in the morning and the night and it had been placed in the chart incorrectly and nobody caught the error. This is a winnable malpractice suite.

            However, since she was old the money we would have recovered would have been very small becuase she didn’t have much of a useful life left. But a consultation about a Malpractice suite shouldn’t cost too much and it will let you know if you actually do have a lawsuit.

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