Is there any chance?…

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      Melody wrote:

      I had one of those red black cats. They are cool looking! He would bleach out to a chestnut red in summer, with a black head.

      😯 😯 😯
      That’s gotta be Beautiful!! Mine hates the sun(Read Light & warmth), at least now I know it really is just spaz cat and not something to do with her colouring!


        I’d love a closed eyed flap cat in a regular color too (still going to get one of those Calicos!!! 😈 ) I too would squeak for silver tabby but they’ve already been done. I’d be happy with any pattern 🙂


          purplecat wrote:

          I think they’d be pretty painted like my Andromeda kitty but I’ve got kitty mommy bias. 😀 😀

          THAT is one beautiful cat! Those grey blue eyes and the way her coat shades from warm grey to silver grey; just magnificent!
          (Hey Emerald how do I puctuate that sentence? I don’t want to write “…silver grey is just magnificent” because it doesn’t sound as emphatic, but there isn’t a real verb. Can you imply one with puctuation? )


            WolfenMachine wrote:

            I’d love a closed eyed flap cat in a regular color too (still going to get one of those Calicos!!! 😈 ) I too would squeak for silver tabby but they’ve already been done. I’d be happy with any pattern 🙂

            I can’t do tabbies in production. Way tooo hard, though lots of fun.
            (I seem to be missing verbs today)


              She’s half siamese, half tabby. I like the stripes combined with the points and other markings. She was an ugly kitten and I felt sorry for her when we adopted her at the pound. Boy, we got a pleasant surprise. 😀


                Melody wrote:

                purplecat wrote:

                I think they’d be pretty painted like my Andromeda kitty but I’ve got kitty mommy bias. 😀 😀

                THAT is one beautiful cat! Those grey blue eyes and the way her coat shades from warm grey to silver grey; just magnificent!
                (Hey Emerald how do I puctuate that sentence? I don’t want to write “…silver grey is just magnificent” because it doesn’t sound as emphatic, but there isn’t a real verb. Can you imply one with puctuation? )

                You would say, “Those grey-blue eyes and the way her coat shades from warm grey to silver grey are just magnificent!” Your subjects are “eyes” and “way.” Since there are two subjects you need a plural verb, so “are” instead of “is” would work. It might sound better to split it up and say, “I like her grey-blue eyes, and the way her coat shades from warm grey to silver grey is just magnificent.” 😀


                I know I mentioned tuxedo cats but I got to thinking (and looking around the house) and I really think a black and white cat would look awesome as a flap cat. Something like this:

                His name is Spock and I can almost see wings coming out of his back. Of course, at 2 AM when he decides it is play time I can see little horns.

                (Please ignore the dirty map in the background 😳 😳 )


                I caught my black cat snoozing in teh sun in the window today…He has this pretty reddish tint all over him…I guess it came out with age, or I jsut see him all the time and never noticed how pretty he really is. Although at 15 he looks a bit mangy. I don’t know how many more years he might have left, but I’d love to see his colors immortalized on a flap cat! But the twins are black and white…So torn!! 😆


                wow,ddvm, he has big ears! what kind of cat is he?
                he looks like he was just woken up for this image. 😆


                gryphondreamer wrote:

                wow,ddvm, he has big ears! what kind of cat is he?
                he looks like he was just woken up for this image. 😆

                He sure does. I like the way his eyes glow on the pic.


                Isn’t it a Rex?


                  Awww, I liked the eyes shut cat being special.


                  WindstoneCollector wrote:

                  Isn’t it a Rex?

                  Yup, Spock is a Cornish Rex – I have another one named Dragon and two Devon Rexes named Tuvak and T-Rex plus a regular orange kitty named Figment. Ok, Fig is missing an eye but otherwise he’s normal!

                  Sorry about the size – I haven’t figured out how to change the size of the photo. Any suggestions?


                  MS Image Viewer has a resizing function, and so does Paint.

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