If you could have…

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  • #689027

    I think I’d want a circle of Lap dragons. She’s my favorite sculpt 🙂

    Since I can’t afford that particular sculpt myself though, I am collecting a circle of fledgies 🙂

    Maybe one day I will be able to afford the Lap dragons.


      It would be a toss up between the emperor, OW, fledgling and the royals – hard to say


      Isn’t it Keschete who has all the royal hatchers in every color? That’s pretty impressive!


      Hmm… the more I think about it, I could also see a sitting spectral and a young dragon in every color. But I’d have nowhere to put them 😆


      I guess I would “choose” the curls and all the orientals, regular and suns, and then the OW’s, laps, males, and sitting spectrals. I love those eyes! I would love one SK like the one on Ebay now, but the chances of ever getting one are so slim! Maybe if I sold half my collection 🙁 and stopped buying any more 😥 and stopped noticing all the ways of completing my wish lists 😥 😥 and stopped coming on the forum to help break my addiction,— 😥 😥 😥 —Nope, looks like I am not going to get an SK!! But I can always dream! 😆


      The only dragon I want that I would trade my most collection for is a SK. (the reason I say most is because I can’t just have one dragon after having 60 pieces) I want one of these SO BAD!!!!!!!!! So if there is anyone out there who has one that would trade me for half my collection, I am up for any offers! 😆 😉 😀


        Hmm, I’m with Lamortefille on this one. I’m a color collector, not a sculpt collector, for want of a better way to word it. I don’t care for all of the colors (though I do like all the sculpts!) Some, like the OW and male, I love but that wouldn’t really influence me to have them in colors I don’t care for. Unless the so-so color just worked on that sculpt, but even then… 🙄


        I want the male unicorn in ALL colors the dragons are in! 😀 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯


        Wow, a rainbow of male unis… that’s a fun mental picture 😀 Sounds like a photoshop pic waiting to happen.


        I’d like just one SK…OLD GREEN! But otherwise, I’d have to pick OW’s in EVERY color! I love that sculpt above all others. (My second would have to be the Sun dragons. I want to find a damaged one and have him painted Koi…But, I already have the Koi pattern in mind. So, I guess I would have to cave on my strict “I will NOT repaint a production piece”…Unless I get Kyrin to do it! 😉 😈 😆 )
        I am sorta a color collector too…7 of each color that is. 😆 🙄


          The Lap, of course! 🙂

          I only have two, but I’d LOVE to have them all — I’d have to build a special shelf, so I could display them all together in color spectrum order! (Hey, Melody — any chance of an orange and a purple color scheme coming out, to complete the rainbow?) 🙂 ::Laughs::

          Right now I just have White and Silver, and my top priorities right now are Emerald and Black Gold. (And squeaking for Rainbow and Ocean Blue…)

          Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


            An Ocean Blue Lap!! That would be awesome. *adds it to her squeaks* 🙂


              I would love an OW in Autumn Leaf, and the SK in that color as well. A Rainbow SK would be awesome too! 😀 I would love to see more white dragons, a sea-blue color line of dragons, more green dragons and also I like to see the Violet Flame become a production color. As far as what dragon sculpts in those colors…..maybe all of them would be potental ‘must haves’ 😆


              I’m a sculpt collector. OWs, Spectrals and curlies look good in just about anything.


              All the Orientals. Than the Laps, OW’s and curlies. 😆

              Bred egg*Bred Egg 2*Blue

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