
I want a FLAME Old Warrior. Got one! Thanks all!

Home Forums Administration Flea Market I want a FLAME Old Warrior. Got one! Thanks all!

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      mimitrek wrote:

      Hey Ski, Windstone’s just listed a violet flame OW…but this one is a little different — it has some gold spots on the wings…

      Yes… I saw that… Imagine my surprise when I saw a OOAK violet flame OW on Ebay when I have 1 of 2 and I know Nirvana has one. This paint job looks a helluvalot better than mine, though.


      I’m curious – what makes this OOAK OW on E-Bay OOAK? Violet Flames were auctioned before…


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        I’m curious – what makes this OOAK OW on E-Bay OOAK? Violet Flames were auctioned before…

        The eye color is different and there are gold spots on the wings. They said this is one of a “series” but they dont say how many (I asked, though) and apparently, each one will be considered OOAK. (?)


        That’s what confused me. Well, wait and see, I guess. 😀


          You guys remember the famed “OW cart”?? THose were ALL OOAK test paints….I think I’ve seen the actual dragon that is up on eBay in the factory…Unless Mel painted a bunch of new ones….I don’t think she really intended for it to be like the previous Violet Flames like Ski and I have….Maybe should be renamed Violet Ember? LoL Anyway, Mel or Nam or Chessie or Vantid can correct me if I’m wrong…..=P


            It looks different from ours, but the name is totally confusing.


            I’ve been watching the Violet Flame auction. Gold spots on the wings, aaarrgh. There has been much sighing. I sure hope more of these gorgeous fellows appear over time–maybe when I’m not moving house! It is not easy to be practical when faced with this lad!


              Barrdwing wrote:

              I’ve been watching the Violet Flame auction. Gold spots on the wings, aaarrgh. There has been much sighing. I sure hope more of these gorgeous fellows appear over time–maybe when I’m not moving house! It is not easy to be practical when faced with this lad!

              There are supposed to be one or two up after this one that are a little different. There are still other batches of different colors, too, so who knows what colors will pop up next!


              That’s very good news! There’s just something about the copper and purple on this fellow that really grabs my attention. I’m having to sit on my fingers to keep out of the auction. But if there will be more later–even if they will likewise be rare–then at least I can tell myself that I’ll have a chance at one of them. Thanks for the info! 🙂


              You got a Flame, Ski? Did I miss something?


                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                You got a Flame, Ski? Did I miss something?

                😀 Yep. As you saw in the other post, LIH let me have 1st crack at hers. If my stuff starts popping up on Ebay, now you know why. 😆


                  Ski when you get it, you’re going to have to post an updated “circle of Warriors” picture!


                    Does this mean you still have your Violet Flame one too?


                      Yup. I will have 4 when the Flame gets here. I would have had 5 but had to sell my emerald one a while back to pay for a ski trip. 😕 I will recoup eventually, but its hard with all the new stuff coming out!! 😆 I will def take pic when she arrives, LIH. 🙂


                      Yeah! Pics! I’d really like to see a comparison, side-by-side of the Flame and the Violet Flame.
                      And Ski, what kind of stuff might pop up on E-Bay? Windstones? 😛

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