I Found One!!

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    skigod377 wrote:

    AEEIIIII!!! My emerald sun dragon got here!!! He is lovely! A chip on the claw… which I am actually gonna try to fix (Help me Whippet!!!) but other than that…perfect!! He even gave me half off shipping since im military~!~ (He is a Vietnam vet!!) I HIGHLY recommend that shop!! I will def use them again for some regular peices. 😀 Thank you again, DDVM!!

    Sweet. That kinda sucks it has a chip in it.


      skigod377 wrote:

      AEEIIIII!!! My emerald sun dragon got here!!! He is lovely! A chip on the claw… which I am actually gonna try to fix (Help me Whippet!!!) but other than that…perfect!! He even gave me half off shipping since im military~!~ (He is a Vietnam vet!!) I HIGHLY recommend that shop!! I will def use them again for some regular peices. 😀 Thank you again, DDVM!!

      Congrats, even with the chip, sounds like a great deal 😀 Sounds like your collection has grown since you first posted your pictures 🙂


        I was so happy to have it after my windstone hiatus that the chip didnt bug me at all… which is unusual!! 😆 Im gonna take pics once all my new arrivals get here. Im so excited!


        Congrats, ski! I’m glad it worked out (even with the chip).


        skigod377 wrote:

        AEEIIIII!!! My emerald sun dragon got here!!! He is lovely! A chip on the claw… which I am actually gonna try to fix (Help me Whippet!!!) but other than that…perfect!! He even gave me half off shipping since im military~!~ (He is a Vietnam vet!!) I HIGHLY recommend that shop!! I will def use them again for some regular peices. 😀 Thank you again, DDVM!!

        Congrats, Ski. I just wonder what a Vietnam vet is doing collecting Windstones… Maybe they were his wife-s.


          He works at the store 😀


          Ooohhh. That makes a difference. 😆

        Viewing 7 posts - 46 through 52 (of 52 total)
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