I Found One!!

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      how much were you able to snag them for? Hopefully a lot Cheaper then what BTweddings wants for her emerald Cat Wizard of $349.99.


      Please don’t kill me – the cat wizard was $170 (the original price) and I’m not even going to say what I got the jade scratcher for. Actually, he is heading toward a new home – I traded him. So it is the best deal I have ever gotten on Windstones – even with having found ones marked down in a store going out of business. I pretty much hyperventilated for 10 minutes after getting off the phone with the guy.


        Awwww c’mon you can tell us 😀


        Yeh go on. I wish i was so lucky 😀


        $140 *runs for cover*


          Wow! Good for you!


          Thanks! As you can tell I was heinously selling the more expensive one but I ended up doing a trade instead.


            Nirvanacat13 wrote:

            GFiEND wrote:

            Ching, ching. Klink, clank, rattle, rattle.

            *sound of improperly packed Windstones….*
            I laughed out loud on that one

            congrats on the GREAT deals. It’s nice when Christmas ends up popping up year round
            Some stores do not know or care that they are collectables they are just dust collectors in their stock.


              ddvm wrote:

              $140 *runs for cover*

              Awesome buy!


              That is a great buy, but not as good of a buy as my emerald cat wizard. hehe. Do they have any more retired peices at that store?


              I had called and he was supposed to call back but hasn’t yet. I have the contact info at home (I’m at work) so if I’ll try to post it Monday or Tuesday.




              The man I have been talking to is Gregg at Daystar Boutique. The number is: 216-228-4522. Actually, I remembered this morning where I found the website – here! Big duh! But in my defense I had emailed him a couple of months ago and had been doing a lot of just surfing the net. They are in Ohio: http://www.shopdaystar.com/


                ddvm wrote:

                The man I have been talking to is Gregg at Daystar Boutique. The number is: 216-228-4522. Actually, I remembered this morning where I found the website – here! Big duh! But in my defense I had emailed him a couple of months ago and had been doing a lot of just surfing the net. They are in Ohio: http://www.shopdaystar.com/

                OMG 😯 I think I just scored an Emerald oriental sun dragon for $140.00 😯 He described it as the oriental with the ball in his mouth. When he told me the price, I almost fell out of my chair! and then bought it. Thats regular production cost!! Thank you for the link!!


                Congrats! I’m glad I made somebody’s day! 😀 He’s probably going to wonder why he is getting so many calls!

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