How many Curlies do you have and what colors??

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      but then you will have all 13 at least the 13 out so far


      New curlies arrived today so I took a new pick of them 😛


        Very pretty!

        twindragonsmum 😀



        I’ve gotten six so far. White, Emerald, Gold, Black Gold, Violet Flame (1), and Brown. I missed old green, red Flame and the silver. I absolutely refuse to buy a pink dragon, and I’m still upset that they replaced Peacock with Em/Pea so I won’t buy one of those either.

        I can’t wait until they get out some more of the silvers and greens.


          RiDuvessa wrote:

          I’ve gotten six so far. White, Emerald, Gold, Black Gold, Violet Flame (1), and Brown. I missed old green, red Flame and the silver. I absolutely refuse to buy a pink dragon, and I’m still upset that they replaced Peacock with Em/Pea so I won’t buy one of those either.

          I can’t wait until they get out some more of the silvers and greens.
          You do know they are planing on painting a peacock curlie right? You can’t buy an EmPea curled anymore because that color curled has been retired, along with russet/red flame and white.


          pegasi1978 wrote:

          RiDuvessa wrote:

          I’ve gotten six so far. White, Emerald, Gold, Black Gold, Violet Flame (1), and Brown. I missed old green, red Flame and the silver. I absolutely refuse to buy a pink dragon, and I’m still upset that they replaced Peacock with Em/Pea so I won’t buy one of those either.

          I can’t wait until they get out some more of the silvers and greens.
          You do know they are planing on painting a peacock curlie right? You can’t buy an EmPea curled anymore because that color curled has been retired, along with russet/red flame and white.

          I didn’t hear that! Hooray! Peacock lovers unite and demand curlies now!


            😳 😳 😳 What’s the difference between curled, curlies and coileds? 😳 😳 😳




              twindragonsmum wrote:

              😳 😳 😳 What’s the difference between curled, curlies and coileds? 😳 😳 😳

              Curlie is another name for curled, and those are the small ones with one eye open. Coiled dragons are a little larger with their heads up and both eyes open. There’s a male version holding a glass globe and a female version holding a golden egg.


                I can’t wait for the Peacock and Rainbow ones. I winder how they will fit all the Rainbow colors on a Curlie??? 😯


                  pegasi1978 wrote:

                  twindragonsmum wrote:

                  😳 😳 😳 What’s the difference between curled, curlies and coileds? 😳 😳 😳

                  Curlie is another name for curled, and those are the small ones with one eye open. Coiled dragons are a little larger with their heads up and both eyes open. There’s a male version holding a glass globe and a female version holding a golden egg.

                  Thanx muchly!

                  twindragonsmum 😀



                    twindragonsmum wrote:

                    pegasi1978 wrote:

                    twindragonsmum wrote:

                    😳 😳 😳 What’s the difference between curled, curlies and coileds? 😳 😳 😳

                    Curlie is another name for curled, and those are the small ones with one eye open. Coiled dragons are a little larger with their heads up and both eyes open. There’s a male version holding a glass globe and a female version holding a golden egg.

                    Thanx muchly!

                    twindragonsmum 😀
                    they have pics of all of them in the store if you want to see the differences


                      I can’t wait till there are more brown and gold curlies! Although I got to see GB’s Emerald one in person and liked it the best. Lucky for me, that’s the only color left 😉 My little emerald buggar should be here either tomorrow or Monday!!


                        They look great ruffian. I like how the white ones seem to have pink shading. They look sugary and yummy:D


                          Nice pics! I should be getting a brown one either today or tomorrow. 😀

                          I sure do hope those green ones come out again soon. I am desperate to get one of those.


                            travistie wrote:

                            Nice pics! I should be getting a brown one either today or tomorrow. 😀

                            I sure do hope those green ones come out again soon. I am desperate to get one of those.
                            The Green ones came out VERY nice I was VERY impressed with mine

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