How many Curlies do you have and what colors??

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      Frozen, it looks like you have the Curl Circle of Power!! I will need to visit you soon…hehehehe….

      Keep posting pics guys, I love seeing the collections.


        SilverArrow wrote:

        Frozen, it looks like you have the Curl Circle of Power!! I will need to visit you soon…hehehehe….

        Keep posting pics guys, I love seeing the collections.

        hehe…sure come visit….you can help me clean out the box room….


          starbreeze wrote:

          Dragon Master wrote:

          starbreeze wrote:

          I have 12. The only one I’m missing is the silver one with blue eyes.

          VERY KEWL. Are you going ot get him when he is available? I wonder how many of us will have full sets when we get the last ones we need?? I will have all 13 soon too

          I’d love to add the silver curl with blue eyes to my collection. I’m just waiting patiently….well maybe not patiently!!! 😆
          I hear you on patiently. I get paid Thursday and HOPE to finish my curlies then but if not they will be done in 2 weeks for sure


            DM sorry I missed your question earlier – the 2 pinks I have are different shades of pink one is a little darker than the other one. The only one I need is an old green and I badly want that one.


              darjeb wrote:

              DM sorry I missed your question earlier – the 2 pinks I have are different shades of pink one is a little darker than the other one. The only one I need is an old green and I badly want that one.

              Now I want one of each pink!! 🙁 😥


                Frozendragon that is a beautiful picture of all the curlies you are lucky you got them all


                  I hope to have all 13 within 2 weeks. I might be able to get my last few this week depending on how big this weeks check is


                  frozendragon wrote:

                  I have 13, all the colors made so far and the two different eye colors of the silver….

                  Frozen, I hope you take this in the good natured manner it is intended. Note the ©, etc. Im just trying to play with ya:


                    That’s cute PT! 😆 If I came with you, that green curlie would be missing too.


                    Uh-oh, curlie heist! 😆


                      LOL….I have an attack Pomeranian…. 😈

                      I’m off to hide them all now 😯


                        OH NO I STARTED A CURLIE KIDNAPPING!!!
                        I wonder what the rensome note will demand???


                          What ransom demand…we’d want to keep them!!


                            Jasmine wrote:

                            What ransom demand…we’d want to keep them!!

                            There has to be a price!!


                              Cute pic, PT. 😆

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