I have 12. The only one I’m missing is the silver one with blue eyes.
VERY KEWL. Are you going ot get him when he is available? I wonder how many of us will have full sets when we get the last ones we need?? I will have all 13 soon too
I’d love to add the silver curl with blue eyes to my collection. I’m just waiting patiently….well maybe not patiently!!! 😆 I hear you on patiently. I get paid Thursday and HOPE to finish my curlies then but if not they will be done in 2 weeks for sure
DM sorry I missed your question earlier – the 2 pinks I have are different shades of pink one is a little darker than the other one. The only one I need is an old green and I badly want that one.
DM sorry I missed your question earlier – the 2 pinks I have are different shades of pink one is a little darker than the other one. The only one I need is an old green and I badly want that one.