How many Curlies do you have and what colors??

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      travistie wrote:

      All I’ve got so far is a silver with blue eyes, a gold, and a brown in holding. I hope to add a few more to my collection when Olympia paints more. I specifically want an old green (still can’t believe I missed that first batch! 😡 ), a pink to replace the one I sold a while back, and a VF.

      I love these curlies! I’m looking forward to the peacock and rainbow ones too.
      ME TOO ME TOO!! and the ruby ones. I’d like to see how they come out


        darjeb wrote:

        I have 13

        Red Flame
        Emerald Peacock
        Black Gold
        Violet Flame 1
        Violet Flame 2
        2 Pinks
        Siler – Blue Eyes
        Silver – Green eyes

        I am desperately awaiting some more old green and hoping to get one
        So you have all of them except for green and 2 Pinks. It it both versions of the pink or 2 of the same??


          frozendragon wrote:

          I have 13, all the colors made so far and the two different eye colors of the silver….

          I figured Frozen of all people would have all 13. I can’t wait to have a picture like that


            Arya wrote:

            The only curly I have is the very last Emerald Peacock. I love him to death, and he was my first Windstone. There’s a fledgy on the way to keep him company though 😀

            I LOVE to hear stories like that


              pipsxlch wrote:

              Great pic Frozen! All you need now is the dark pink lol.
              Hope your date was all you wanted DM!

              we had a GREAT time but I can’t talk about it on a PG Forum sorry!! hehehe


                Dragon Master wrote:

                pipsxlch wrote:

                Great pic Frozen! All you need now is the dark pink lol.
                Hope your date was all you wanted DM!

                we had a GREAT time but I can’t talk about it on a PG Forum sorry!! hehehe

                Awwww! I’m glad to hear that you two had a good time! Too bad you can’t elaborate 😉


                I have all the curlies except the old green, and I’ll be very disappointed if I don’t get one of them. 😛
                I have all the coileds except the white mama. Still looking for her…


                Dragon Master wrote:

                darjeb wrote:

                I have 13

                Red Flame
                Emerald Peacock
                Black Gold
                Violet Flame 1
                Violet Flame 2
                2 Pinks
                Siler – Blue Eyes
                Silver – Green eyes

                I am desperately awaiting some more old green and hoping to get one
                So you have all of them except for green and 2 Pinks. It it both versions of the pink or 2 of the same??

                they’re not two seperate colors. I just noticed that when I bought my pink curlie from the 2nd or 3rd batch that it was a lot darker than the 1st batch and the original picture. So I asked around and bought one from the 1st batch as well. I liked the color difference in them and decided they were differently painted enough that I could have two pink curlies 😀 they’re both from the same pink curlie color though.



                  Sorry guys I guess I had old green curlie on my mind when I typed that list – it is a silver with lavender eyes. I am wanting the old green curlie so bad that’s all I am thinking about when I think curlie

                  Silver with blue eyes
                  Silver with lavender eyes


                  I have them all but the old green and the silvers, I didnt get both versions of the red goldy one, cant remeber the color, I really dont like it that much that I wanted two. I have all the coileds but a black gold mommy as well.

                  these are the last pics, but I need new ones I guess, LOL, when my new ones arrive I will take new ones.


                    I LOVE all the Curlie and coiled LOVE here


                      Dragon Master wrote:

                      starbreeze wrote:

                      I have 12. The only one I’m missing is the silver one with blue eyes.

                      VERY KEWL. Are you going ot get him when he is available? I wonder how many of us will have full sets when we get the last ones we need?? I will have all 13 soon too

                      I’d love to add the silver curl with blue eyes to my collection. I’m just waiting patiently….well maybe not patiently!!! 😆


                      I have 9- and what a difficult number to be stuck at!
                      Old Green
                      Silver with Lav (dont need blue)
                      Emerald Peacock (thanks to a very generous member here)

                      I’ll get all the colors that come out, but I know at some point Im going to be forced to pay a fortune for the white and russet curls. I might never get them.

                      I love the Coiled MOTHERS (the coiled males are OK, but I can only afford, maybe, to go after one of those sculpts in all colors). I only have the BG. Every other Coiled mom I see out there winds up going sky high in price, or, Im invested in something else at the same time.

                      If more Coiled Mothers come out, I want to grab those new ones and work slowly on collecting the retired ones.

                      GB- Ive been looking and watching out for your one wish list item everywhere I go- on and off line. I take my Wish List of everyones with me everywhere, but since you have one item, I easily remember it. Honestly, if I ever found one, even though I want to collect the mothers, Id get that one for you first and wait for mine.


                        I have only one curled in BG. I just don’t like them and don’t think they’re “cute”. >__>;; I bought him for the sake of the color… otherwise I would have never bought one.

                        As for the coiled, I don’t have any. I’ll get them sometime or another for again, the sake of the BG color and not the sculpture…


                        Maybe your one little curl will grow on you, Kujacker 😆

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