How many Curlies do you have and what colors??

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      I have 12. The only one I’m missing is the silver one with blue eyes.


        All I’ve got so far is a silver with blue eyes, a gold, and a brown in holding. I hope to add a few more to my collection when Olympia paints more. I specifically want an old green (still can’t believe I missed that first batch! 😡 ), a pink to replace the one I sold a while back, and a VF.

        I love these curlies! I’m looking forward to the peacock and rainbow ones too.


          I have an emerald male, mama and curled, silver w/ lavender eyed curl, BG mama and curl, VF1, VF2 and russet curls, peacock male and mama, gold curl, em pea curl, old green curl and light pink curl. I would like to get the darker pink curl, too. It’s curlie love!


            I have 13

            Red Flame
            Emerald Peacock
            Black Gold
            Violet Flame 1
            Violet Flame 2
            2 Pinks
            Siler – Blue Eyes
            Silver – Lavender eyes

            I am desperately awaiting some more old green and hoping to get one


              darjeb wrote:

              I have 13

              Red Flame
              Emerald Peacock
              Black Gold
              Violet Flame 1
              Violet Flame 2
              2 Pinks
              Siler – Blue Eyes
              Silver – Green eyes

              I am desperately awaiting some more old green and hoping to get one

              Do you mean silver with Lavender eyes…..or do you actually have a silver curlie with green eyes ❓



                mmloda wrote:

                darjeb wrote:

                I have 13

                Red Flame
                Emerald Peacock
                Black Gold
                Violet Flame 1
                Violet Flame 2
                2 Pinks
                Siler – Blue Eyes
                Silver – Green eyes

                I am desperately awaiting some more old green and hoping to get one

                Do you mean silver with Lavender eyes…..or do you actually have a silver curlie with green eyes ❓

                Yeah, cause if you have one with green eyes….we want to know how/when you got it! 😯 😉 😆


                  I’ve got White, Gold, Russet, Emerald Peacock, Emerald, Brown, Green, Silver w/lavender eyes, Black Gold, Violet Flame (I don’t know which batch), and Pink Curlies.

                  I also have a Coiled Black Gold Male and Mother, Brown Coiled Mother, Jade Coiled Male, Peacock Coiled Male.



                    I have an old green. I don’t plan on adding more, though I do think he’s just the peachiest!
                    (I’ve considered getting a BG one for my fiance, though. He’s really started paying attention to my dragons, and I got him his 1st Windstone- a PYO griffin to paint up- for Christmas. He was admiring the BGs a a local dealer, so… 😛 Let’s see how money goes now that my hours are slashed)

                    For coils, I have the male and mama in emerald. I’ll let them go if on some miracle old green versions get made, but otherwise they’re here to stay. (yep know that’s not going to happen, but it sure would be supercalifragilisticakesmealidocious if old green got the same LE treatment as brown)


                      I have 13, all the colors made so far and the two different eye colors of the silver….


                        Oh I like that picture frozen!


                          The only curly I have is the very last Emerald Peacock. I love him to death, and he was my first Windstone. There’s a fledgy on the way to keep him company though 😀


                            Great pic Frozen! All you need now is the dark pink lol.
                            Hope your date was all you wanted DM!


                              pipsxlch wrote:

                              Great pic Frozen! All you need now is the dark pink lol.
                              Hope your date was all you wanted DM!

                              one pink is entirely enough….the colors weren’t different enough to warrant another one…LOL


                                Megani-chan wrote:

                                I’ve got four; empea, pink, blue-eyed silver, and old green. The empea might be looking for a new home soon, though. I’m trying to be good and only have curlies in colors that I don’t have another sculpt in, like the pink and silver. Since I have an empea spectral, I figure the curlie might be better appreciated elsewhere.

                                Oh, but I hope they restock the violet flames soon 😯 I don’t have a VF dragon yet.

                                If he does want a new home, I think you just found him one 😀

                                The only curlies I have are Russet and Silver-Lavender. I think I might be getting an emerald soon and what ever other colors are still in stock.

                                For COILED dragons, I have the mother in brown and black gold and a jade male.


                                  starbreeze wrote:

                                  I have 12. The only one I’m missing is the silver one with blue eyes.

                                  VERY KEWL. Are you going ot get him when he is available? I wonder how many of us will have full sets when we get the last ones we need?? I will have all 13 soon too

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