Horse dilema…pics of Temeraire!

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      Yay!!! It’s Mr. T!!! He’s so handsome!!! He looks very much at home. Keep us posted on his progress. 😀


      He’s a nice lookin’ fella. Glad it’s all working out. It’s nice that there are goats around. Horses like company. And good idea about postponing the party.


      Nice-looking animal, considering all he’s been through. It’s cool he talks. It means he’s comfortable. 😀


        He’s not a bad lookin fella at all! Congrats!


          He looks sweet. I’m glad you saved him from the empty lot.

          I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
          Engaged to a Weasel


          Oh that is soooo wonderful!! Its great he now has a “home” 🙂


            Yup, wonderful that he is home now! 😀


              Boskydragon, you are an angel! I’m glad you rescued this guy. He reminds me a bit of my horse that I had when I was a kid.


                Again glad to hear there was a good ending here!!


                Glad you got him. He looks lovely. I hope he settles in smoothly!


                  He still looks slightly worried 🙂 but I’m so glad he’s found a happy home with you.


                  My mare Cricket used to do the pulling back thing. But if I just laid the rope loosely over the post she would stand. See if your horse is the same. Cricket would stand there just fine as long as she didn’t feel trapped, for some reason the moment the rope would resist, she’d freak.

                  I got her from a lien sale, and some of her behavior made it very clear she had suffered some abuse. I never used a whip on her ever, but she’d see the lunge whip for driving and she’d start to shake and look at it wild-eyed. When I would lunge her and wanted her to step up her pace, all I would have to do would be to pick it up off the ground and hold it.

                  Her fear of whips and her terror of being tied up solid gave me the impression at some point in her life some creep had tied her up and then beat her, considering how very sweet and willing to please she was, I don’t understand why anyone would do such a thing. My poor girl. I never let anyone hit her or use a whip on her once she was mine, and she was a wonderful riding companion and friend for the nine years she was with me. Unfortunately she passed away from colic the year she turned 24.

                  Anyway, the bungee tie rope available at the tack store is supposed to be a good retraining aid for horses that pull. Since it gives when they pull back, they don’t feel as motivated to fight with it. You may want to try that too. I never bothered with Cricket, since once we knew each other, she would stand and let me do whatever I wanted to do without her being bound in any way, just a halter, but nothing on it. Halter meant it was time to work.

                  Anyway, hope my experiences with Cricket help you a bit with your new friend and congratulations.



                  Hes cute! The close up of his face has his eyes saying, “what is that contraption youre holding in your hand and pointing at me?!” 😯 Funny though.

                  He looks better than I thought he would. I dont like when ppl dock tails like that. With all the bugs, they need to swish them and the tail is the first line of defense. Some Mane and Tail will help condition it and grow back quicker, hopefully. I only stand for it when ppl either braid or wrap their horses tails for competition. Cutting it off or a lot, is ridiculous. I hate ppl that for unknown reason cut cat whiskers too. They dont realize that all these little things are very important to the animal.

                  About being able to tie him… you can reteach him and get him comfortable to it through conditioning and behavior modification. If you dont already know them, learn some “quick release” knots. That way whatever he is tied to, if he struggles, the knot comes undone easily and he wont break the fence, etc. Id first start out the by having a lead line hooked to his halter, and draping it over a pole or fence (no tying; just lose flop over draping). That way if he backs up or thrashes, it literally isnt tied to anything and he will feel no pressure whatsoever when he reacts. Consistency is key, so (sorry if I sound preachy but just trying to help from all my years with horses; abused and otherwise) if you keep doing it at least once a day or each time you get him out to groom him, he will eventually realize being tied is no biggie.

                  Hes handsome and I KNOW he will do well with you and your family. Heck, if he builds up some muscle and fills out just a bit more (and settles in nervousness), he could appear to be a nice Hunter! But I know he’s not a spring chicken but once he settles, I bet he would love a retirement of trail rides, kid play and turn outs. Bless your heart for taking him in.


                    he looks beautiful, but he looks so BIG 😯 up here the horses are smaller, and their heads look bigger compared to their body, sturdy little nuggets, actually I think I’d wet my panties if I met him, even if he is a darling 😆


                    Thanks! He is beautiful (I’ll bet he was stellar in his prime) and he is big, but such a sweetie! Good advice Kyrin & PT, but at this point I’m not going to try to reintroduce tying. I’ve laid the rope over the fence, and he’s just left it there. “Catching” him when he’s in the pasture is a joke. I can sometimes call him and he’ll come over and follow me, or if he’s too interested in whatever has his attention, I just go over and lead him back to his stall. He and the male goat lean over the fence with their foreheads together sooo sweet! When in the pasture together though, they ignore each other.

                    We had the horse-warming party yesterday (no pics, I suck, sorry) and even though I said no presents, people bought the sweetest things (like apples, carrots, treats for Tem; or a little bitty curry comb for my daughter to use on him). He loves being brushed and we spend more and more time out there with him. He really seemed to enjoy having so many people oh & ah over him. 🙂 I was so worried about taking on a horse, and after only a week I am SO glad he’s here!

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