Some GOOD news! The person I mailed the dragons to sent me an email last night saying that he received them unharmed! He was also shocked, since no post office in the US or Canada ever scanned them. They also were not scanned or even stickered/stamped by either US or Canadian customs. He had been checking the tracking as well. The outer box was smashed in on one corner, so peanuts were leaking out, but the inner boxes and dragons were snug inside and unharmed! It’s as if I printed a label out and drove them to his house!
Talk about a heart attack being averted! @_@ Definitely one of the best emails I could have received last night! WHEW!
Thanks so much for looking out just in case and listening to me freak out! ^_^;; I really do appreciate it! Good thing to know for the future! We’re waiting for the guy we were working with at the post office to call back, so we can update him and thank him for his time, since he was concerned as well, since someone at his post office failed to scan it at all.
…. and now I worry when they close down half of the US sorting facilities starting next year.