
Grand Unicorn

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      whoopsie daisy! laphon1 you’re right! i brainfarted, i knew somebody had elephants, i forgot hannibal, i saw his name on the stones in the painting and i put his elephants with napoleon in my peabrain, durrrrrrrr! lol ha ha. lol i was only a few centuries off right? lol.i’m sure napoleon had at least a few elephants with him in spirit at least, lol. ( insert yahoo messengers silly rolly googly eyed face here) lol. oh well i meant well. thanks fer catching me.hee hee.


        DantheDragon wrote:

        I saw the original painting of that at the Getty. It’s HUUUUUUUGE O.O There’s also a ton of little details that are totally lost when it’s resized and reprinted.

        I would guess that his would happen with any sort of reproduction process


          Dragon Master wrote:

          DantheDragon wrote:

          I saw the original painting of that at the Getty. It’s HUUUUUUUGE O.O There’s also a ton of little details that are totally lost when it’s resized and reprinted.

          I would guess that his would happen with any sort of reproduction process

          Yar, but even more so with a painting the size of a wall. XD


            SilverArrow wrote:

            Once again, another story/tidbit question for you. With all the talk about possible retirement of some of the unicorns I was curious as to what your inspiration was for the Grand Unicorn? He’s a departure from the rest of family and quite impressive. Also, now knowing the problem with the casting medium and appendages did you have difficulty finding a pose that would work?

            I forgot to answer this one , sorry! Hey if I miss something, just ask again! The grand unicorn is an attempt to do a unicorn in the Heraldic “Rampant” pose. I wanted to have a front foot out, cast in pewter, but that was overly ambitious. He originally had a crown around his neck, but John said it looked stupid , so I took it off. Yes, this pose was really pushing what we could do with mold making! If it had been cast in a two part mold, it would of been easier, but it is cast with a one part mold! I am always trying to escape the “blob” shape usually required for our stuff to cast well.


              Thanks for the info! I love hearing about the little things that go into the sculptures. It would have been impressive with the pewter leg, but boy, that would have been a PITA!

              I’m glad you decided to make him, because I just didn’t like the pose of the male unicorn (although the head and mane are beautiful) and when I saw this guy in the store it was love at first sight. 😀

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