Grab Bag Young Unicorn Parade Part 2 May 6 2016 – 4:30pm (PST)

Home Forums Windstone Editions General Windstone Grab Bag Young Unicorn Parade Part 2 May 6 2016 – 4:30pm (PST)

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      I am still hoping it’s not for ebay but will wait and see. I had asked Melody specifically if she had painted any pink ones so she did and then I see one I love only for it to not be in the grab bag I have been asking about for months? It’s my birthday next Wed. so I was hoping for some good luck getting a uni I loved but if it’s not in the grab bag that would be seriously disappointing. I do like the feather ones too and forest ones but I was really hoping for something with flowers and pink is my favourite colour.

      You should be happy if it is going to go to eBay. The odds are so long to receive it directly at 124:1. And so Many of us love pink also so it’s likely to end up in a forever home. But with eBay with the proper planning you can buy it, just ensure you are the highest bidder by bidding high enough. I think a lot of us would
      Bid big on it to try to get it.

      Yes, good luck to everyone. More than half the fun of it seem to be the not knowing. Seeing a this is my first grab bag I am trying not to pick out absolute favorites. There are so many amazing designs and colors. I can only hope I manage to snag one at all. Getting super excited for the big race. Hope it’s tomorrow or Tuesday. Have Drs appointments all day Wednesday. Fingers are crossed and mu credit card is ready!


      When it comes to wishing, waiting, and hoping, we are all in the same boat.

      Just because there are pink unis, doesn’t mean they’re painted specifically for you. Do you really think that just because you say something that the unicorn will automatically and magically come to your door?

      Birthday surprises are always nice, but life is full of disappointments. There are far worse things than missing out on a GBY uni. Talk to the people in Fort McMurray.

      I’m sure there will be another “favourite” that shows up. There always is.

      You have been around the forum long enough to know how grab bags work. Maybe it’s time to re-think your collecting strategy and let things take their course.

      I highly doubt that you are the only person on the forum who liked that particular unicorn. Nor are you likely the only person here who likes pink, as anichol mentioned.

      @ anichol – I agree. I think Kim, you should be happy if it is going to go to eBay. The odds are really a lot better on ebay of getting something you have set your sights on. 124:1 are long odds in a grab bag of getting the exact one you are hoping for. It’s nice when it happens, but the exception rather than the rule. Definitely if you plan your eBay bid and bid high enough, your precious will be yours.

      @ Betrluk – I agree with you that Kim has been around long enough to know how grab bags, ebay, and bidding work. So it is is particularly relevant that no one expect to get a particular one just because they express an interest in it. I seem to remember something about a particular GB cougar a while back….
      I disagree that Kim is just excited to have a chance at something she likes and is expressing it. She is not simply expressing her admiration in the piece… her message clearly has an implication that because she had been asking for pink for two months that it should be part of the grab bags versus being posted to eBay. She even has a? after mentioning that she had been asking for two months… There is a strong implication that she is deserving of it.

      @MelodiousMimi – Good plan! There are so many lovely pieces in each Grab Bag that opening the box is really a huge part of the fun. I really try not to look too closely or get attached to a particular piece and I am never disappointed. Sometimes one that you thought nothing of in the class pictures or lives stream seems to come to life once it’s yours.

      Many of us say things such as “Wow, I like that one.” Or something similar. That is expressing admiration, not laying claim.

      Overall, I’m tired of this being the drama that shows up on the forum when an anticipated grab bag is looming. Can we return the thread back to one of excitement and anticipation?

      Good luck to everyone participating! I hope that we all get ones that we love.

      Life is beautiful.


        I didn’t hear anything about some being saved for ebay probably because I had the volume down while watching the livestream so just thought that one had been missed. I didn’t say I was expecting or it deserving it either, just that it happens to be my birthday next week so was hoping for some good luck. I am just thankful Melody has always been so open to suggestions with colours and things for grab bags. I just happen to love flowers so was pleasantly surprised to see the new unicorns she painted with flowers. I think everyone at some time has seen a piece that they ‘fell in love with’ and hoped they would somehow magically get whether by luck or through trading. I was lucky to be able to trade for two of my favourite young unis last time. I love when it happens that someone gets one they love right from the store or as a gift from someone who got one for them or that was traded or sold to them if someone else knew it was their favourite.

        I remember when Drag0n got her favourite koi colt that her boyfriend ordered directly from the store. If one like that had gone to ebay I am sure a lot of people would have bid on it and it probably would have been too expensive for most to get that wanted it. That’s the purpose of a grab bag though, to give everyone the opportunity to get a piece they love that some wouldn’t be able to afford if it went to ebay. I am lucky if I am able to get any grab bags as I had to save for months for this batch since by doing pet sitting jobs and anything extra I could think of to save up the money since I still don’t have a regular income. If something was on ebay I would have no way of knowing how much money I would need to bid on it and I don’t have a credit card to put things on. I either have enough money or I don’t and in the past I have been outsniped on some auctions as I am not fast enough so kind of gave up on that. Anyway from what I have seen there are lots of unis I like so am sure I would be happy getting any of those. I actually didn’t even think many people would like the same one since there are a lot of other beautiful ones that stand out. I would normally go for a rainbow one if I didn’t already have one. I am looking forward to their release and hope everyone has good luck with this batch getting one they like!

        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


          Even if you’d had volume up it wouldn’t have mattered cuz nothing was said about Ebay. But they always keep a few back in case of breaks during shipment and those end up on Ebay. There’s also the chance that the pink flowered one broke at the factory.


            I remember when Drag0n got her favourite koi colt that her boyfriend ordered directly from the store. If one like that had gone to ebay I am sure a lot of people would have bid on it and it probably would have been too expensive for most to get that wanted it.

            I wasn’t gonna touch this controversial conversation (that we’ve been over time and time again with grab bags) with a 10 foot pole so please don’t drag me into it as an “example” to justify your argument Kim. Not trying to agree nor disagree with your views, so please don’t get offended, I just don’t appreciate it is all. I got lucky (for once) and while it was surreal and I was super elated with that particular grab bag I’ve also been disappointed with my grab bags on all but about 3-4 occasions ever… and I have participated in almost all of them up until recently with the latest gothic release and past few pebbles since I’m not really too into them.

            Pam/Melody picks whatever they choose for ebay and it doesn’t have to do with “who wants what more” or “which is the prettiest” Honestly I was under the impression most of the ebay picks aren’t because they are “extra special” but most of the time they are stragglers that need a few extra touch ups or may have a bent horn or some other minor imperfection that needs to be addressed and that being the case they don’t quite make it to the release as to not delay them further. Sometimes they end up on ebay or sometimes Susie will offer them to those who missed out, or a second small batch can be released.

            Do they perhaps pick a few regardless? I’m sure, but it has nothing to do with which ones the forum members pine for most because Windstone doesn’t play favorites. It’s honestly one of the things I really respect about them coming from a world of retail where certain people have “special rules” applied to them and Melody is charitable enough without members baiting for special treatment in hopes for random acts of kindness.

            I’m not saying you think verbalizing which is your favorite is a bad thing, but in excess it does seem to look like you hope you’ll magically be sent your favorite because you invested yourself into it so deeply. Again, not judging or trying to stir the pot. It’s just friendly advice from an outsider’s perspective that you do tend to get a bit more than overly excited and come off like your nagging for you to get preferential treatment pretty often. Whether it be on when a product is to be released or what piece you like the most.

            There’s no way to tell what is set aside for ebay or not. Windstone is a small family owned company that doesn’t have to obide by a “standard operating procedure” so in the easiest of terms… It is what it is. I would have fought tooth and nail for my koi colt if it hit ebay, but I got super lucky that one time. I also got a candycorn once I loved on first shot (a bi eyed yellow and blue one) and I really loved my fantasy cougar(a lime green tiger). Other than that, I haven’t kept any of the ones I received. It’s been LOTS and LOTS of aftermarket buying (normally with a high scalping fee because I wanted something bad enough) and trading.

            I for one have to pass on this grab bag because I am beyond broke. I’m actually struggling as of late so I haven’t bought a thing for months. It’s depressing, and I almost wonder if the folks at Windstone are afraid I’m loosing interest! LOL! In case they’re wondering I’m not! Hahaha! However I’m not trying to piss and moan about it on the forum. I have a beautiful collection and no room to complain in my opinion so if I miss out I miss out. *shrugs* Sucks, but the world will keep spinning and maybe I can snag one on the aftermarket later if I’m lucky. I’m going to just sit back and drool at photos, but in closing my advice is that it’s best to not get your heart set on anything in particular in a grab bag because 9 times out of 10 if you do you’ll end up with heartache, but if you happen to win over on that small margin than celebrate the hell out of it! ^_^

            Good luck though. I hope you get your favorite in the end. ^_^

            Got a busted Windstone?
            *OPEN for repairs*

            *SEEKING GRAILS*
            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
            Siphlophis Male Dragon
            Calypso Hatching Empress
            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
            Tattoo Mother Kirin
            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


              the way I see it, you get what you get, Susie doesn’t go “Oh ____ wanted that one, I should put that in ____’s box” and there’s no way of knowing who made it in the ebay cart until we see it up on ebay….also there’s always the other ones that other users have that weren’t shown that pop up months if not years later on ebay….

              at any rate, we get what we get, we hope to get what we want and if not, oh well or we try to trade for it….I for one can’t get one most likely but I’ll be drooling over the pictures which is all I can do….

              4 things I'm looking for:
              1. Mother Meerkat
              2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
              3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
              4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                double post, opps….

                4 things I'm looking for:
                1. Mother Meerkat
                2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                  Not sure why using someone as an example would be a bad thing when I said I loved it when that happened for people that they happen to get a favourite and I am happy for them. I also mentioned a few places how Drag0n helped me trade for pieces I loved and I really appreciated it. I am also not sure why people seem to read way more into my comments then what I have actually said. I was being positive except for when I said I would be disappointed if it wasn’t in the batch. I know the grab bags are completely random and that there aren’t any picked out for anyone. People joke about getting ones they loved or that matched others they had by coincidence. People also post their favourites in every single grab bag and from what I have seen the majority do get their hopes up for their favourites or at least post which ones they want so they can trade. I have only gotten one or two I actually wanted from the factory and the rest I was able to trade for or buy so I do not expect to get a favourite from the factory with those odds. But with that said I also believe positive thinking can make a difference. I have noticed people seem to have better odds trading for ones they like if they are in a grab bag because if things go on ebay then the people who bid really do want the piece and rarely ever re-trade or resell them compared to grab bags. With that said even if it was in the grab bag and someone else happened to get it and love it, I would be happy for them and would hope I get another one I like.

                  Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                    I unfortunately will not be able to get one of these Lovely Lovely GB Youngs, however I have downloaded the YouTube Live Steam Videos to replay on my tablet over and over for inspiration and admiration!
                    You do such imaginative and fantastic pieces Mel! I love them all 😀
                    Good Luck to all those who can get one of these Beauties! :love:

                    IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                    Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                    Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                    *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                    *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


                      Kim, you said: I don’t know why people read more into my comments, than what is actually said…”

                      Perhaps this comment was what triggered the reaction…”I had asked Melody specifically if she had painted any pink ones so she did and then I see one I love only for it to not be in the grab bag I have been asking about for months?”

                      For me…it’s ending that statement with a question mark that makes it sound like you have a false sense of entitlement to anything pink…almost like “I was the one who asked for it, so it should be included in the GB class because I can’t afford stuff on ebay”. I’m only speaking for me….and I didn’t even want to go down this road, but if it will help you understand why some people reacted a certain way to what you said, that’s all I’m after. I’m not trying to stir the pot either.

                      Mandy’s right…this is a recurring theme when a much anticipated GB is about to come out….sure people posts their favourites, and leave comments like it’s their #1, 2 or 3 and if anyone gets it, to think of them…nobody said there was anything wrong with that…but your posts go beyond that, and that’s what we’re talking about.

                      Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                        I also have to sit this one out as I am super broke, but hoping to start a new job soon… if I do, I’m definitely going on a windstone shopping spree!

                        The exchange rate right now makes buying windstones so painful. It’s dropped a bit (from .42 to .23 I think?) but with the shipping and customs it’ll still probably be close to $600 for one of these. But that’s probably a good thing, since it makes it less tempting for me haha.

                        I hope people post photos, there were some really cool designs here! I’m excited to see what everyone gets.


                          Hi, Kim. I really, really am not trying to pile on, but just to help you understand where some of the reaction is coming from – and the main issue IMO is the very comment Angelika listed, it did come across very “entitled”. My first reaction was “what a lot of nerve”. And then I reread it trying to see where I could have misinterpreted it and it still just came across pouty. You say you did not intend it that way at all, but that is the problem with written posts – the “tone” is missing and things can easily be misunderstood.

                          I reread most of my posts three times to try and make sure my point is clear and I have still had posts that I ended up editing later for fear that the tone and intent could be misconstrued. I can be very sarcastic, but when written, it can come across as just witchy/snarky/whatever. (I had a post on the ebay thread that still makes me cringe – I edited it later, but it was there for awhile)

                          But I hope you get a uni that just absolutely sings to you. I am so worried about missing the announcement I am actually trying to find a way to not go to Bible study tonight in case they come out- that is SOOO wrong. 😉


                            PLEASE Keep all the ‘Off-Topic’ personal comments to PM’s…
                            I would prefer not to have another Facebook topic fiasco on this thread.

                            Thanks Guys! 🙂

                            IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                            Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                            Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                            *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                            *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


                              On the contrary, I’m actually really glad we can have these discussions like civilized adults ^_^

                              We all still love you Kim, and the proof is how everyone here is being very cautions of how they word their responses to be truthful, yet understanding and also you’re responses as well prove that we are all one big family here. I love this place and always will, grab bag drama or not. <3

                              Got a busted Windstone?
                              *OPEN for repairs*

                              *SEEKING GRAILS*
                              Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                              Siphlophis Male Dragon
                              Calypso Hatching Empress
                              Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                              Tattoo Mother Kirin
                              Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                              Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                              Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                              Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                              Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                              Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                              Seems we are all super excited! Can’t wait for them to hit the store, but the shipping wait will be even more painful! Best of luck to all! /performs the good luck GB dance!


                                I have this vision of all these crazed, obsessed Windstone fanatics hovering like vultures over their computers waiting to strike. J)

                                (and yes, I count myself in that grouping) :bigsmile:

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