Grab Bag Young Unicorn Parade Part 2 May 6 2016 – 4:30pm (PST)

Home Forums Windstone Editions General Windstone Grab Bag Young Unicorn Parade Part 2 May 6 2016 – 4:30pm (PST)

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      Just a making a secondary announcement for the Livestream today at 4:30. You can join us here:

      I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
      Engaged to a Weasel


        Thanks for the livestream again! You missed one though. I was waiting the whole livestream to see the pink flower one and you never showed it, only the purple flower one. The pink flower one was behind and to the left of the purple flower one in a picture on Melody’s facebook page. I think that one would be my favourite but now I wonder if it has zebra markings like the purple one or if it’s possible to see a front picture of it?

        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


          Maybe it is earmarked for EBay so was held out of the live stream.


          I hope it’s set aside for ebay!!

          These are all so incredible! Melody, you have outdone yourself! Some of the ones with feathers, look very real and fluffy! Bravo!!! Truth be known, I am terrified to see what the price pt will be 🙂 but excited to see one appear in my collection.


            I would hope it’s not set aside for ebay because that one was one reason for me to want to get a grab bag unicorn. I can’t afford ebay pieces and it was already pictured.

            Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


              I would hope it’s not set aside for ebay because that one was one reason for me to want to get a grab bag unicorn. I can’t afford ebay pieces and it was already pictured.

              I don’t think it’s considered “pictured” until it’s shown in the class picture so yeah, most likely eBay.

              Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
              ANY Red Eyed Unis
              ANY Test Paint Bat
              The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
              Male- Snow Leopard TP
              White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
              Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
              Mother: Okapi
              Gothic - Mahogany
              PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
              DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                They are all gorgeous! Look forward to everyones pictures. 🙂 and finding out the names.


                  During the young uni part 1 live stream, I believe I remember Pam commenting that some of those shown would be set aside for ebay.


                    I am still hoping it’s not for ebay but will wait and see. I had asked Melody specifically if she had painted any pink ones so she did and then I see one I love only for it to not be in the grab bag I have been asking about for months? It’s my birthday next Wed. so I was hoping for some good luck getting a uni I loved but if it’s not in the grab bag that would be seriously disappointing. I do like the feather ones too and forest ones but I was really hoping for something with flowers and pink is my favourite colour.

                    Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                      I am still hoping it’s not for ebay but will wait and see. I had asked Melody specifically if she had painted any pink ones so she did and then I see one I love only for it to not be in the grab bag I have been asking about for months? It’s my birthday next Wed. so I was hoping for some good luck getting a uni I loved but if it’s not in the grab bag that would be seriously disappointing. I do like the feather ones too and forest ones but I was really hoping for something with flowers and pink is my favourite colour.

                      You should be happy if it is going to go to eBay. The odds are so long to receive it directly at 124:1. And so Many of us love pink also so it’s likely to end up in a forever home. But with eBay with the proper planning you can buy it, just ensure you are the highest bidder by bidding high enough. I think a lot of us would
                      Bid big on it to try to get it.


                        I am sure Kim has been around long enough to know how grab bags, ebay, and bidding work. She is just excited to have a chance at something she likes and is expressing it. And there have been pieces included in class photos before that were held for Ebay. Nothing is guaranteed. It is Melody’s choice what goes where and we should all be grateful either way.


                          I am going to kindly edit my post…. I think Natasha is right in that, it’s not part of the GB class until the CLASS PICTURES are taken and posted on Melody’s blog…anything left behind, goes to eBay…even if you did see a sneak preview of it somewhere. Even at that, I suppose there are no rules and the company can do as they please.

                          Best of luck! I hope everyone gets something they love.

                          Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                            Best of luck to everyone participating!

                            Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                              ….Nothing is guaranteed. It is Melody’s choice what goes where and we should all be grateful either way.

                              Well said. And I second that emotion. 😉 I am so excited over those individual little masterpieces. I am going to be a little on edge until I KNOW I have successfully got one of those little hoofers in my cart. PLEASE let it be tomorrow so I can relax. J)

                              Of course, if I somehow manage to miss them, those horrific sounds you hear will be the wailing and gnashing of teeth originating from Georgia.


                                Yes, good luck to everyone. More than half the fun of it seem to be the not knowing. Seeing a this is my first grab bag I am trying not to pick out absolute favorites. There are so many amazing designs and colors. I can only hope I manage to snag one at all. Getting super excited for the big race. Hope it’s tomorrow or Tuesday. Have Drs appointments all day Wednesday. Fingers are crossed and mu credit card is ready!

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