
Grab Bag Poads ETA

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  • #874305

      Honestly, I thought the unis were a bargain even at $95. Where else can you get a unique, original, and signed piece of art on the interwebs? I agree with the price increases (even when my bank account doesn’t agree). 🙂

      Agreed 🙂


      I understand both points of view–but realistically, most of us aren’t ever going to be able to afford everything we want in life. The world is unfair that way. This may very well be my last GB, because I simply have to prioritize my money differently with other things going on. Should Melody’s business suffer because *I* can’t afford what she makes? Should her work be devalued because *I* no longer have the freedom to spend on a luxury? And let’s face it, these ARE a luxury. It’s not like I can feed my pets or pay my mortgage with the lap dragon on my desk–and in fact, if I don’t plan appropriately, I could easily be unable to do either of those things because I overspent all my cash on Windstones. I’m in the “comfortable but not independently wealthy” category, and I’d wager quite a few of us here are the same. We’re never going to have the massive collections that some do. And sometimes we’re either going to have to choose between missing out on things because they’re not in our price range, or sacrifice something else to make it happen if it’s something that’s truly important to us.

      Many many many hours (not just Melody’s) and plenty of materials (that never go down in price, and typically go up) go into producing these things. While yes, it will suck for me personally not to be able to play GB roulette every release, and buy every LP in the store, etc., when you’re in the business of producing a non-necessity of life, basing your pricing on those who can afford it the least is no way to run a business. And frankly, the early grab bags–which I was not around to take advantage of–were pretty dramatically underpriced in my opinion. Look at the prices they command now on the secondary market–and that “profit” people are making doesn’t always end up spent on more Windstones, so that’s not profit to the business or the artist–and tell me honestly how the prices originally charged were fair. Those of you who were able to get in on those should count yourselves very lucky.

      Now, if it comes to a point where a GB doesn’t sell out on the first day, perhaps that’s a sign the price is too high. But I suspect the price would have to get a fair bit higher before that happens.

      Just my .02 worth…which nowadays is pretty much worthless. 😉


        Look at the prices they command now on the secondary market–and that “profit” people are making doesn’t always end up spent on more Windstones, so that’s not profit to the business or the artist–and tell me honestly how the prices originally charged were fair. Those of you who were able to get in on those should count yourselves very lucky.

        what people will pay on the second hand market shouldn’t determine prices, there will always be bidding wars with people with very deep pockets but that doesn’t mean the price should raise according with them…I wouldn’t want to be priced out due to the prices some are willing to pay second hand….it should be a fair price range for all of us…..I’m not saying that the prices aren’t still in the fair range but they never should follow the trends of the marketplace unless we want to pay $600 or more for all of the youngs just since one went that high, I know I don’t!

        4 things I'm looking for:
        1. Mother Meerkat
        2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
        3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
        4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


          Thank you for the update Susie! But now I have to pee and am afraid to go!


            I’m at school and have a four hour break between my classes–if they go in before 4:30–I might be able to get one–that is if the college’s WiFi doesn’t take a dump on me :p Watching my email and refreshing that so I don’t contribute to crashing/making slow the store site. Eyes are wide-opened!


              Look at the prices they command now on the secondary market–and that “profit” people are making doesn’t always end up spent on more Windstones, so that’s not profit to the business or the artist–and tell me honestly how the prices originally charged were fair. Those of you who were able to get in on those should count yourselves very lucky.

              what people will pay on the second hand market shouldn’t determine prices, there will always be bidding wars with people with very deep pockets but that doesn’t mean the price should raise according with them…I wouldn’t want to be priced out due to the prices some are willing to pay second hand….it should be a fair price range for all of us…..I’m not saying that the prices aren’t still in the fair range but they never should follow the trends of the marketplace unless we want to pay $600 or more for all of the youngs just since one went that high, I know I don’t!

              I agree with this. If all the prices were valued on what second hand market get, or ebay gets.. I’ll never own another Windstone, because I can’t even begin to justify $600 for a dragon. I don’t have pockets like the people who play around in after market and ebay do…

              I do artwork as well, so I know what it takes for Melody to paint all of these… I was just trying to find a happy middle ground, which I, as an artist do with my customers… trust me, as it is many of my friends think I’m completely nuts for spending $141 on a dragon, ‘n I find that reasonable… ‘n I guess if GB’s end up pricing double to triple what LP pieces price at, I’ll collect the once in a while production piece ‘n that’ll be that…
              I will be very sad about this.. but that won’t be the problem of anyone but me…

              With that, I hush about prices and will let Melody do what she feels is right…


                The gb poads are HERE! :bigsmile:


                  I got one!! Yippie!!! So glad they went in on my one day off!! 😀 Got one when there were 109 left-lol


                    Got one! :party:


                      I’m also seriously glad that they came out so early, I honestly would have sat here all day waiting-lol Now I can shower 😀


                        I got one as well! I’m on a break between classes and am so glad they came out now! I’m so happy–really, really wanted one of these. Now I have a GB baby uni and a GB young Poad–my life is complete! Now I can’t wait to see which one I got–hope I got one of the more colorful ones! Squeeeeeee!


                        The gb poads are HERE! :bigsmile:

                        Thank you for posting. I didn’t think they would be out so was just checking the forum for today’s quest clue and noticed the new posts.


                        Kudos to Susie and the crew–process went very smoothly compared to the uni frenzy!


                          Look at the prices they command now on the secondary market–and that “profit” people are making doesn’t always end up spent on more Windstones, so that’s not profit to the business or the artist–and tell me honestly how the prices originally charged were fair. Those of you who were able to get in on those should count yourselves very lucky.

                          what people will pay on the second hand market shouldn’t determine prices, there will always be bidding wars with people with very deep pockets but that doesn’t mean the price should raise according with them…I wouldn’t want to be priced out due to the prices some are willing to pay second hand….it should be a fair price range for all of us…..I’m not saying that the prices aren’t still in the fair range but they never should follow the trends of the marketplace unless we want to pay $600 or more for all of the youngs just since one went that high, I know I don’t!

                          Yeah, but no matter what the price is there will always be people who can’t afford one. Always. Since the quality of each batch keeps increasing significantly then the prices should reflect that. Sometimes I can afford one, sometimes I can’t. I’m just super grateful that Melody and the staff continue to make ’em available. :bigsmile:


                          I understand both points of view–but realistically, most of us aren’t ever going to be able to afford everything we want in life. The world is unfair that way. This may very well be my last GB, because I simply have to prioritize my money differently with other things going on. Should Melody’s business suffer because *I* can’t afford what she makes? Should her work be devalued because *I* no longer have the freedom to spend on a luxury? And let’s face it, these ARE a luxury. It’s not like I can feed my pets or pay my mortgage with the lap dragon on my desk–and in fact, if I don’t plan appropriately, I could easily be unable to do either of those things because I overspent all my cash on Windstones. I’m in the “comfortable but not independently wealthy” category, and I’d wager quite a few of us here are the same. We’re never going to have the massive collections that some do. And sometimes we’re either going to have to choose between missing out on things because they’re not in our price range, or sacrifice something else to make it happen if it’s something that’s truly important to us.

                          Many many many hours (not just Melody’s) and plenty of materials (that never go down in price, and typically go up) go into producing these things. While yes, it will suck for me personally not to be able to play GB roulette every release, and buy every LP in the store, etc., when you’re in the business of producing a non-necessity of life, basing your pricing on those who can afford it the least is no way to run a business. And frankly, the early grab bags–which I was not around to take advantage of–were pretty dramatically underpriced in my opinion. Look at the prices they command now on the secondary market–and that “profit” people are making doesn’t always end up spent on more Windstones, so that’s not profit to the business or the artist–and tell me honestly how the prices originally charged were fair. Those of you who were able to get in on those should count yourselves very lucky.

                          Now, if it comes to a point where a GB doesn’t sell out on the first day, perhaps that’s a sign the price is too high. But I suspect the price would have to get a fair bit higher before that happens.

                          Just my .02 worth…which nowadays is pretty much worthless. 😉

                          I think this is worth much more than .02. I agree completely with what you wrote but could never have stated it so well.

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