
Grab Bag Poads ETA

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      Well hopefully a lowered price will come back if the detail goes to the style of the older batches.. I think they should be priced accordingly. More hand detailing, higher price. More airbrushing, less hand detailing, lower price…
      As it is, the higher detailing has more than doubled the price that LP’s get in store.
      Seems only fair to me that they stay within a reasonable amount to both Melody and the consumer, but this is my opinion…
      I wish I could more freely spend the higher amounts like many members can, but truth is, I can only very rarely justify higher amounts, as it has been the past month or so, I’ve been cutting back on my living expenses to try and kickstart my collection… this is why I only dream of ebay buys and am very happy Melody does the Gb’s for those of us who cannot afford ebay.. but if the Gb’s keep going up, they’re also going to outreach those of us who can’t afford ebay… again, just my opinion… – ‘n I’m sorry, I’m sort of venting a frustration here because it is sort of bothering me… I’m extremely excited for these chances, but I’m seeing the option for them slipping out of my reach in the future…
      It’s sad enough for me to see the ebay pieces go FAR beyond my reach (I’ve enjoyed entertaining the idea I *might* stand a chance a couple of times, but quickly watched that idea disappear in a cloud of ebay bidding dust, lol)
      ‘n I’m honestly glad those who can pay those prices, do support Windstone so well.. but I quite clearly know I can’t play in that field.. ‘n I already see some GB’s after market go right out of my price range… I really don’t want to see ALL my chances at Gb’s go out of my price range…

      and just to clarify I’m honestly not trying to sound bitchy at all with this.. though I imagine it may come across wrong..
      I’m just expressing a worry I have. It sucks being broke and having a desire for something of such quality! Sucks more when you watch the prices go from within reach to out of reach right before your eyes…

      and I think everyone is right.. as a trade option, I just don’t see a Poad gettin me a uni… if someone is *seriously* interested in me buying a poad as a trade for a uni, then send me a PM before the release, with a photo of the uni… if I don’t get a trade option before the release, I’m staying out of it… I’d be better off to save my money ‘n give people who want them one more chance.. it’s just hard to resist the GB chance, lol.. Melody did a FANTASTIC job painting these, I’m just not into the Poad sculpt that much… I’d die if these colorations were on a dragon, uni, or griffin!


        Well hopefully a lowered price will come back if the detail goes to the style of the older batches.. I think they should be priced accordingly. More hand detailing, higher price. More airbrushing, less hand detailing, lower price…
        As it is, the higher detailing has more than doubled the price that LP’s get in store.
        Seems only fair to me that they stay within a reasonable amount to both Melody and the consumer, but this is my opinion…

        Hey Kaytana, I can absolutely understand you! I had the same worries when I saw the big price jump on the Candycorns.
        They, and the new poads also, are absolutely adorable and with all the detail I can definitely understand why they had to become so expensive, but I think I would have liked it better if there had been less detail and only a slightly higher price. 🙂
        I have no problem at all paying even double the store price for a more detailed piece, but then I really would like to know what I get, at least to some extend.
        As you already mentioned I also think it would be totally great if there could be different GB Batches. Detailed ones with higher prizes and less detailed, cheaper ones for people with a tight budget. Or if the “theme” of the more expensive ones could be narrowed down a bit. For example one batch of Unis with stripes, one with spots, one batch of Poads with different wings, one with petal-patterns and so on. This way if someone knows he/she does not like a specific pattern they could skip this batch. 8)


          By the way, if we get a decent idea of which day they’re coming out, I *might* be able to watch for someone.. I’m going to be out this evening though… but if they don’t come out tonight, n I know what day, I may be able to keep myself close to the pc that day (Work on my painting that day instead of go out and do stuff)
          I’ll only watch for one person though, with the break neck speeds the unis sold out in, I’d feel bad if I missed for anyone! that and I’m very new to this watching thing, lol.. so someone will have to tell me how it’s done?


            I’d be really happy with another batch of GB baby unis.. though I’d really like to see a batch like the older batches, these wild ones are fun, but I really, really love the older ones.. and I know I’m not the only one who would love to see the older style come back (At the price they were before as well)

            Either that or normal *other* animal colors (More tigers, zebras, leopard, cuttlefish, wild bird colors, butterflies.. etc) if they held the kind of detail this last batch did I’d pay the $98 again for them..

            I dunno.. I’m up in the air right now, (Very obviously, lol)… if I knew what was coming I could better judge what to do now, lol .. maybe my smart move would be to wait for GB unis again, since those are what I *really* want

            I plan to paint the next batch of grab bag baby unicorns in either “normal fantasy” or normal horse colors. I’ll try to sort out what is getting painted, and what I am planning to paint and start posting about it somewhere. Just don’t hold me to it! Sometimes, what I think is ready to go in the store gets put on hold for some reason…
            $#!+ happens.


              Poad Collectors Please Read:

              The Young Grab Bag Poads will go into the store today, Feb 22nd, however I hesitate to give a time because then everyone will refresh the store at the same time and the site will crash or go VERY SLOW… This is a problem and I’m not sure how to handle it! I’d like to give you a time frame, but I cannot because I don’t know what time, and also because if everyone is checking the store over and over at the appointed time, the site will crash.

              We still have a few issues to settle before I can put them in the store, so it isn’t going to happen just yet… If you have pressed the “notify when back in stock” button you will get an email as soon as we restock them – so it’s o.k. to refresh your EMAIL over and over, just don’t do that to our site. And PLEASE do not run a script program that notifies you of updated pages – because that brings the site down even faster than a human pressing the button…

              I am going to be making the Young Grab Bag Poad page disappear for a while so that I can update it with a new picture and information – so don’t be alarmed if you do not see Young Grab Bag Poads in the store at all… they’ll be back when they are ready. We are still settling the price and the quantity per customer. Once that’s done, we will be restocking them. Again, if you have pressed the notify button, you will get an email as soon as they are back – so if everyone watches their email, not the actual store, we shouldn’t crash.


                Thank you for the info Susie!
                Now I will just patiently wait until I get the email. Although I keep my fingers firmly crossed that it won´t happen too late after 3pm (wich is midnight for me 😀 )


                  Thank you for lettin me know that the next GB uni set is going to be more like the older batches! Just knowing they’re on the horizon.. even if they’re months off, makes me feel better… ‘n I know to start a GB uni piggy bank XD ‘n now I know when you say you’re working on them, to be prepared for them pretty quickly after you said you’re painting (and patient for them so you’re not rushed painting) XD these poads snuck up on me! lol..

                  Do you think the price will go down for the more normal ones? (Even if it is down from the high detailed pieces but up from the old price. I personally feel $70 is a very fair price for all.. cushions your work a lil more, but still reasonable for us!)

                  ‘n I feel ya on $#!^ happens! I really do…


                    ‘n ohh, looks like I won’t be able to watch for someone! = I’m sorry guys! I wish I could help but I’ll probably be on the highway when they release o.o Good luck everyone!


                      Thank you for lettin me know that the next GB uni set is going to be more like the older batches! Just knowing they’re on the horizon.. even if they’re months off, makes me feel better… ‘n I know to start a GB uni piggy bank XD ‘n now I know when you say you’re working on them, to be prepared for them pretty quickly after you said you’re painting (and patient for them so you’re not rushed painting) XD these poads snuck up on me! lol..

                      Do you think the price will go down for the more normal ones? (Even if it is down from the high detailed pieces but up from the old price. I personally feel $70 is a very fair price for all.. cushions your work a lil more, but still reasonable for us!)

                      ‘n I feel ya on $#!^ happens! I really do…

                      the first batch of GBBs I bought was $65 each, my have they risen since just last year!

                      4 things I'm looking for:
                      1. Mother Meerkat
                      2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                      3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                      4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                        Melody said 110.00 . So be ready for it .


                          Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in on the price thing –

                          I know how long it takes to hand paint something as I do it as my “second” job, and the prices that these have been offered at are MORE than reasonable. I do not mind the price hikes at all!!

                          I just wish we had more than a few hours notice when they do get hiked 🙂

                          Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                          Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                            Honestly, I thought the unis were a bargain even at $95. Where else can you get a unique, original, and signed piece of art on the interwebs? I agree with the price increases (even when my bank account doesn’t agree). 🙂


                              Honestly, I thought the unis were a bargain even at $95. Where else can you get a unique, original, and signed piece of art on the interwebs?

                              …but a bit higher I don’t think I will be able to get them anymore and that would make me a sad kitty….little hikes are fine but I think the GBBs need to go back down again some if they go back to normal fantasy and the like again….

                              4 things I'm looking for:
                              1. Mother Meerkat
                              2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                              3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                              4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                                Realistically, the difference in time for Melody is just one small part of the price driver.

                                Please continue to charge what you need to in order to keep making beautiful art for us! Sometimes I will have the money, sometimes I won’t, but there will always be people to buy them (even if they DID all go for ebay prices which these aren’t even near).

                                You guys are awesome. 🙂


                                  Realistically, the difference in time for Melody is just one small part of the price driver.

                                  Please continue to charge what you need to in order to keep making beautiful art for us! Sometimes I will have the money, sometimes I won’t, but there will always be people to buy them (even if they DID all go for ebay prices which these aren’t even near).

                                  You guys are awesome. 🙂

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