Grab Bag Mini Keeper Photo Thread

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    Because it’s 2am here, i’ve just been woken up by siberikah1 and i’m excited! Squee! I’d say i have a favourite, but i love all the ones i’ve seen so far, so i cant choose! XD
    Now i’m going back to bed…. Zzzzzzzzz


    Sweet dreams, daftdragoness!
    Melody and John were right – the colors are much better than they appeared in the livestream!


    Eesh yea, look at my photos and then that store photo XD so much more vibrant!! Such amazing beauties in there!


    I’d love a mix of colors, especially with eyes that match markings! ANd a light colored belly…i’m more partial to a lighter belly than one darker than the main color. Except for certain schemes that pull it off =P

    and no garish painted toe nails XD they bother me


      Daft! I thought of you, so glad you made it.
      I’m hoping most for the ‘natural’ one that was 2 before the wild striped one in the 2nd livestream. I’ll trade pretty much anything for that one. The ‘lizardy’ one sent back for a purple spot 26 minutes(?) into the 1st livestream is my 2nd choice.
      How about y’all? Which set you afire most?

      Darn I don’t know how to do screenshots!


        They are all soooooo gorgeous!
        I’m hoping for a full class picture!


          I’m so excited! My first grab bag anything! I managed to get one for myself and one for Alyssa. I know she’s hoping for a blue one lol.


            These guys do look like they are contemplating mischief, but I decided my big Secret Keeper could keep the little rug rat under control, so I got a Mini Keeper. Now we (SK and I) have to wait for him to get here!


              Hi guys!

              Of course I had to get one of these.. I’ve been waiting for Grab Bag Dragons forever! They are adorable, and I like many of them, but my favorites are the naturals 🙂

              These are my #1s – if I don’t get one that I love, I will be putting mine up for trade, and I’d love it if anyone gets a natural looking guy and thinks of me if they aren’t in love 🙂

              My #1 favorites – the ones that made my heart skip a beat when I saw them XD

              And my #2 favorites – the ones that I love, just not AS much as the more natural fellas 🙂

              Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
              Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


              Oh i like the banded tail on that blue one XD


                Oh i like the banded tail on that blue one XD

                Yup! That’s exactly what drew me to him 🙂

                Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                Oh i like the banded tail on that blue one XD

                Yup! That’s exactly what drew me to him 🙂

                I did that to one of my PYOs…last year i think XD i love the look of it. [ ]

                i’m so excited, I know i’ll be watching my tracking info [when i get it] like a hawk, willing it to go faster XD i got lucky on the grab bag baby unis to get one that lots of people wanted, and was able to trade for a favorite. Maybe that’ll happen again =P or better yet, get what i want first try! =D I can hope at least


                  Oh i like the banded tail on that blue one XD

                  Yup! That’s exactly what drew me to him 🙂

                  I did that to one of my PYOs…last year i think XD i love the look of it. [ ]

                  Syzll!! Such an awesome name, and what a pretty dragon!

                  Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                  Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                  Oh i like the banded tail on that blue one XD

                  Yup! That’s exactly what drew me to him 🙂

                  I did that to one of my PYOs…last year i think XD i love the look of it. [ ]

                  Syzll!! Such an awesome name, and what a pretty dragon!

                  With citrus acid breath that smells pleasantly of oranges and lemons ^.^ Maybe i’ll get a Grab bag baby that matches him. That’d be fun


                    Ooooooh I’m so drooling over these guys! Alas, I can’t get one 🙁 Just got braces in my face, and we can’t really splurge after paying for that… sigh.

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