Gold curl dragons

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    So did I….THREE TIMES. I got so excited about getting yet another curl!! 🙄


    I couldn’t wait — so I called 🙂 It had only been about 5 minutes since I got the email– I think they may think I’m crazy 😯 😮 😆
    I am for curls 🙂


    Eh. I’ll just have to wait n see.


      ddvm wrote:

      Ok, I admit it – I responded to the email as well. 😳 Then I realized I had goofed and sent one to the regular email address. So go ahead, I can take it…*runs and hides behind an OW*

      Might want to find an SK….You can hide behind mine* =P

      *payment to be made in Windstones for the concealment service


        bluepony78 wrote:

        So did I….THREE TIMES. I got so excited about getting yet another curl!! 🙄

        HA! HA! I know that knee-jerk reaction when we see the something is new at the factory! The fingers on the mouse and keyboard get ahead of the mind. I love this forum!


          I know. I sent my response to Susie and forgot to send her my PayPal email address, so I had to send her another email. 😳 She just laughed. 😀


          Well, look at it this way, we brighten up their days with laughter. I wonder if when they post new items on Ebay like the chicks do they sit around and watch the resulting frenzy?


            Yep. lol


              Dang. You know… I didnt send my info. I figured they have it memorized by now. Jut in case… maybe I should send it.


                skigod377 wrote:

                Dang. You know… I didnt send my info. I figured they have it memorized by now. Jut in case… maybe I should send it.

                It wouldn’t hurt. 🙂


                  I asked Karen to let me know if she needs my info. I think she has mine memorized too!!! 😆


                  I was goign to call, but I got so excited when I saw “gold curl” that i knew I’d just scream in thier ear anyway 😳 CHris was here, and he said he’d never seen me type so fast and bang on the keys so hard(i can type as fast as I can talk, but I don’t usually beat the keyboard up in the process). haha


                    bluepony78 wrote:

                    I was goign to call, but I got so excited when I saw “gold curl” that i knew I’d just scream in thier ear anyway 😳 CHris was here, and he said he’d never seen me type so fast and bang on the keys so hard(i can type as fast as I can talk, but I don’t usually beat the keyboard up in the process). haha

                    Now that is too funny! When I get excited, I cant type for crap!


                    skigod377 wrote:

                    bluepony78 wrote:

                    I was goign to call, but I got so excited when I saw “gold curl” that i knew I’d just scream in thier ear anyway 😳 CHris was here, and he said he’d never seen me type so fast and bang on the keys so hard(i can type as fast as I can talk, but I don’t usually beat the keyboard up in the process). haha

                    Now that is too funny! When I get excited, I cant type for crap!

                    I TEnd to DOa lOF of THis kind ofTYPING whni Get realllllllllLLLLyyY exciTEd

                    so I’m not sure that they would have known what I wanted anyway. “gosh, some weird alien was writting text or crypic or something about the gold dragons…”


                      😆 😆 😆

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