
GB Wolves 2/5/15 – Show Off Thread!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags GB Wolves 2/5/15 – Show Off Thread!

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      You guys are always welcome to express whatever thoughts you have about my stuff! That’s what this forum is for!

      How ’bout I paint a batch of just brindle wolves? Then everyone can have one.
      They could be still be a grab bag -all slightly different.


        You guys are always free to express what ever thoughts you have! That’s what this forum is for!

        How ’bout I paint a batch of just brindle wolves? Then everyone can have one.
        They could be still be a grab bag -all slightly different.

        I have no opinion either way on the grab bag/pics/ebay issue, but I would realllllllly like a brindle GB Batch!

        Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
        ANY Red Eyed Unis
        ANY Test Paint Bat
        The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
        Male- Snow Leopard TP
        White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
        Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
        Mother: Okapi
        Gothic - Mahogany
        PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
        DRAGONS: Male Coyote


          You guys are always welcome to express whatever thoughts you have about my stuff! That’s what this forum is for!

          How ’bout I paint a batch of just brindle wolves? Then everyone can have one.
          They could be still be a grab bag -all slightly different.

          Best solution ever! :bigsmile:


            Rodney’s GB Wolf came yesterday:

             photo Wolf - 2_zpsu8fqgwcs.jpg

            He has lovely metallic gold eyes…:)

             photo Wolf - 1_zpsz1p6bxcf.jpg

            His coat color reminds me somewhat of a Russian Blue Cat with hints of grey and black.

             photo Wolf - 4_zpsrfhbn9wd.jpg

             photo Wolf - 3_zps48inau4h.jpg

            According to tracking, my Wolf will be here tomorrow…:D

            Very, very, very nice wolf!

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              I’m all for Windstone prospering, but that is not fair.

              Any cherry picking for Ebay should happen before they photograph the GB’s so we don’t hope for something that in the batch that isn’t there.

              I’m sure I’ll love whatever I get, but I am bugged by this.

              No pieces ever get removed from a batch after the class photo. We don’t do that.
              BUT I didn’t notice the brindle one was included in one of the smapshots I took of them after they were painted and sitting on shelves!!

              So to confirm, every single critter that ends up in the official class photo, also ends up in the store batch. (barring disaster or severe acts of Murphy’s Law) Thank you, that’s very good to know!

              YES.All pieces in the OFFICIAL class photo are in the grab bag batch.
              -unless, of course, they get dropped on the floor between the photo session and boxing (it can happen). Those lucky ones usually can be patched up and used for quest prizes, unless they are a total loss.


                You guys are always welcome to express whatever thoughts you have about my stuff! That’s what this forum is for!

                How ’bout I paint a batch of just brindle wolves? Then everyone can have one.
                They could be still be a grab bag -all slightly different.

                Best solution ever! :bigsmile:

                That is a lovely solution! Thank you for coming up with this idea Melody.

                .*ÂşSearching for Spectrals and Rising Spectrals in all patterns and colors!Âş*.


                  You guys are always welcome to express whatever thoughts you have about my stuff! That’s what this forum is for!

                  How ’bout I paint a batch of just brindle wolves? Then everyone can have one.
                  They could be still be a grab bag -all slightly different.

                  Best solution ever! :bigsmile:

                  Now This would be Great! 🙂 Better than the Ivory Wolves in my opinion!

                  IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                  Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                  Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                  *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                  *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


                    You guys are always welcome to express whatever thoughts you have about my stuff! That’s what this forum is for!

                    How ’bout I paint a batch of just brindle wolves? Then everyone can have one.
                    They could be still be a grab bag -all slightly different.

                    You are so sweet Melody, honestly!

                    Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                    Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                      You guys are always welcome to express whatever thoughts you have about my stuff! That’s what this forum is for!

                      How ’bout I paint a batch of just brindle wolves? Then everyone can have one.
                      They could be still be a grab bag -all slightly different.

                      Best solution ever! :bigsmile:

                      Me me me me me – I would love a brindle! I have a brindle doggie at home!


                        Mashubert your wolf is lovely! Another one of my favorites! Congrats!

                        Tracking says mine is delivered – can’t wait to get home and see!!!


                        Rodney’s GB Wolf came yesterday:

                         photo Wolf - 2_zpsu8fqgwcs.jpg

                        He has lovely metallic gold eyes…:)

                         photo Wolf - 1_zpsz1p6bxcf.jpg

                        His coat color reminds me somewhat of a Russian Blue Cat with hints of grey and black.

                         photo Wolf - 4_zpsrfhbn9wd.jpg

                         photo Wolf - 3_zps48inau4h.jpg

                        According to tracking, my Wolf will be here tomorrow…:D

                        Very, very, very nice wolf!

                        Thanks, I think he suits Rodney…;)


                          To be fair, the people taking preview photos usually don’t know which pieces may end up going to ebay – it would be hard to cull those without just cancelling preview photos entirely.

                          In most cases, the ones that end up on ebay are either ones that missed the batch due to defects (it sometimes can take awhile for them to get fixed) or were just misplaced. Last time I was at the factory, we found something like 4 mini-keepers that weren’t purposely held out of the batch, they’d just somehow never made it to the cart with the others and got left behind.

                          Sometimes Melody even paints a few MORE after a batch finishes and just labels them ‘grab bag’ because they aren’t unique enough for a test paint, but not enough for a restock.

                          In a batch like the foxes, just because one on ebay looks close to the one in a class photo does NOT mean it was the same one – there are often a lot of very similar pieces that were painted for a grab bag (at one point there was a whole box of red panda fennecs that didn’t quite make quality standards kicking around on a shelf). Just because the one that was in the class photo doesn’t show up on the forum, doesn’t mean it wasn’t in the batch.


                            A few dissented posts shouldn’t be mistaken for the general opinion of a large buying audience

                            This is starting to take on a belittling tone and it’s a little upsetting. The fact of the matter is that NO ONE knows the “general opinion” of the large buying audience, and to infer that your opinion is the opinion of the majority isn’t right either :/

                            We are just expressing opinions, and I don’t see why the discussion should take on an air or “right” or “wrong”. Windstone will decide to do what they decide to do. That doesn’t mean people shouldn’t express their views within reason.

                            Except you choose to quote only part of my post. The truth is, that many members request grab bag preview photos whenever Melody mentions she is working on a new batch. I’m not sure if I have personally requested some myself (maybe, maybe not, been a lot of batches), but I see them posted all the time. But you are right, no way to truly know majority. Not even a poll would help as that would exclude a huge buying population who don’t peruse the forums. But enough would miss them, when all it takes is others ignoring them. Just like if you are excited for a new movie coming out and want to go in without any spoilers. You avoid its trailer; you don’t expect trailers to be banished.

                            As for “upsetting or belittling”, not my intent, however, one thing I know that will come with grab bags: Drama. Like Death and Taxes.


                              Just to throw in my two cents. Recently I managed to nab one of the fishy fat cats off of eBay when it was being sold as a leftover by Windstone. It was one of the ones in the store picture (not class photo to my knowledge) for that particular GB. I participated in that GB hoping to get that particular fishy fat cat. I didn’t get him, but I did get another fat cat that had a beautiful betta and I was still quite happy. The guy I wanted never showed up in the show off thread/trades/sales so I figured I’d NEVER see him again. When he showed up on eBay as a leftover I will admit to a moments annoyance…but that was quickly overwhelmed by being THRILLED that I’d get another chance at him. I managed to win (-squee-) and now he sits next to my other Betta Fat Cat. Now I call them my ‘Betta Brothers’. Blue to green boys each with a similar but different colored betta fish.

                              So, that’s my story on the matter. How I feel is that it’s perhaps a bit annoying, but overall it’s a potential second chance to get something from a GB that you really liked and perhaps missed. So I feel it’s a positive and a negative.

                              As for the GB wolf thread. Congrats to everyone who got a wolf they really liked!


                                Here is the wolf I got yesterday
                                 photo 100_0716_zpsxucuywj5.jpg photo 100_0717_zps0npwllbl.jpg photo 100_0718_zpscexus9xa.jpg photo 100_0720_zpsg0nsgs5p.jpg photo 100_0721_zpseknqeoxb.jpg
                                Thanks Susie for the great Valentine Fuzzy.

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