GB Wolves 2/5/15 – Show Off Thread!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags GB Wolves 2/5/15 – Show Off Thread!

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    Well, SO’s is still listed as delayed, but I received a Surprise Wolf and Fox from my mom! She’s a cream, dark chocolate brown, and light reddish brown husky. Her face looks like the foam on a coffee drink! The wolf is gorgeous and has really pretty marks on her face, but she’s not what I’m looking for. She is up for trade, and I would Ideally like a Dark Grey, a Black, a German Shepard, or a Merle. Please get in touch if she speaks to you!

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    I love yours, very gorgeous! If only I had gotten the dark grey instead of Rodney, LOL!!


    It’s interesting when you see pictures of a piece and it just doesn’t excite you or make you want the piece, but when you get one in your hands, in person and then it’s true love.

    I was on the fence about the wolves. Skipped the first batch. Wasn’t too excited about this one. Thought the ivory was okay. Nice even. And then, if we ordered, we’d get a special Valentine Fuzzy, oh boy! Love Fuzzies..just HAVE to have one, so I hit the order button for a GB wolf. Well, thank you Fuzzy. I love this sculpt. 🙂

    I am unable to take pics, but I got a tri-color masked wolf with gold eyes and soft brown spots. She is gorgeous. Thanks for listening to my ramble. 🙂 Hopefully, I can snag an ivory one before they sell out.

    -- Angie


      Here is my lil beauty! 🙂 She’s just gorgeous! and I didn’t even notice until I took her outside to photograph her.. but her eyes are actually copper with a lil highlight of gold in them (Nice touch, Mel!)

      Now what I can’t help but giggle at, after seeing a photo of the batch, I figured my odds seemed pretty good to get one completely different than my originals.. XD As beautiful as this girl is, she is *so close* to my original silver grey! So I’m putting my new lil beauty up for trade 🙂

      My Original:


        It’s interesting when you see pictures of a piece and it just doesn’t excite you or make you want the piece, but when you get one in your hands, in person and then it’s true love.

        I was on the fence about the wolves. Skipped the first batch. Wasn’t too excited about this one. Thought the ivory was okay. Nice even. And then, if we ordered, we’d get a special Valentine Fuzzy, oh boy! Love Fuzzies..just HAVE to have one, so I hit the order button for a GB wolf. Well, thank you Fuzzy. I love this sculpt. 🙂

        I am unable to take pics, but I got a tri-color masked wolf with gold eyes and soft brown spots. She is gorgeous. Thanks for listening to my ramble. 🙂 Hopefully, I can snag an ivory one before they sell out.

        Heh, I understand 😉 When I first saw them I knew I was going to like them, but when I got them in person on the first batch, it went from liked to absolute love – They’ve been one of my fave Windstone sculpt’s since! Which is impressive from a dragon fan 😉 hehe – I’m glad you got one! Sounds like a pretty lil one too!


          OK, I’ll admit, this is the first time I’ve been actually disappointed to unwrap my GB. I had my heart set on a GSD colored wolf, but I got a gray one instead.

          Below are some of the ones I’d like to trade for. I’ll list all of this in the trades section shortly.


            I didn’t get one, but I love yours, Rusti, KatyanaPhoenix, and Bodine. If I had, I’d want a wolfy looking one, and they’re perfect. For all I’ve had blue merle Australian Shepherds my whole life, the merles just don’t sing to me.


              Oh yes, she’s very pretty in her own right, she’s just not what I was hoping for.


                PrairieVixen, I love both of yours! I am glad I ordered an ivory one now. Stormbreeze, yours is gorgeous too! I am hoping for something like a red or sandy one or merle with blue eyes! Mine should be here next week sometime so it will be a hard wait!

                Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                  I finally got my wolfie (a day later than USPS said). He’s not what I was hoping for (I wanted a timber wolf colored one), but I love him! I love the spots on his sides and back, the little beauty mark under his eye, and his pretty blue eyes.
                   photo IMG_5236_zps33e2576f.jpg
                  And I love the fuzzy I got with him. Thanks Susie!
                   photo IMG_5238_zpsfb5e319a.jpg

                  Looking for-
                  red fire young dragon
                  old animal line frog, wolf, barn owl, tortoise, tiger cub


                    Here’s mine!

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                      Here’s mine!

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                       photo IMG_5511_2_zps8da8864f.jpg

                      I LOVE HIM! Seriously, he’s stunning.

                      Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                      ANY Red Eyed Unis
                      ANY Test Paint Bat
                      The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                      Male- Snow Leopard TP
                      White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                      Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                      Mother: Okapi
                      Gothic - Mahogany
                      PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                      DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                        Today has been a good day.I started my job,nothing hard about it,clicked with the boss,when I got home I had my beauty waiting for e.This is my wolf from the trade,THANK YOU DEAR!!!She is gorgeous.Thank you Ms.Melody for these beautiful wolves.As for a brindle…YEP!!
                        She is a soft white and grey with some black and gold eyes.Just a beauty. 🙂
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                        Image and video hosting by TinyPic
                        I’ll get better shots soon.
                        Gandalf & Pebbles
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                        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                        (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                        Male day🤞Dream on.


                          I got this beauty. I believe she is from the store pic, on the far right side. I was hoping to get a merle colored wolf, so I might offer her up in trade, but she is truly gorgeous. Even in the few minutes I’ve had her, she is growing on me quickly. She has metallic copper eyes. 🙂

                           photo 59EF0F2C-EA5D-4BC4-8CDD-9C9CECFA36E9_zpshvnk60qn.jpg

                           photo C4289816-4929-4DD7-A90F-F81430883521_zpswuossxga.jpg

                          Edit: Okay, so those make her look really light. Let’s try some indoor pics too.

                           photo D0FAEF36-A0A8-4928-B2E0-99D8D457192C_zpslypry7eb.jpg
                           photo DE6A5CC3-4FBB-4D8E-9BC8-BF4DA02B7617_zpsedxgolbq.jpg
                           photo 38F3383F-136C-436E-BE32-028CD24450C9_zpsbibep6ca.jpg

                          Those are closer, but she’s still even more rich than those show!


                            I’m still waiting for mine. I never did get a tracking number so I can’t look up a delivery date. My GoofBall Red Fox is due tomorrow. Hopefully my Wolf will come tomorrow or Saturday.

                            IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                            Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                            Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                            *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                            *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


                            My wolf came in! I unfortunately won’t have time to take pics of him for a few days, but he’s a gorgeous natural timber wolf tricolor. In the class photo on Melody’s blog, he’s in the top left pic, four rows down, second from the left. I didn’t think I’d want one of the ‘normal’ wolves as much as a merle or something else funky, but he’s striking and appealed to me right out of the box. Yay!

                            Also wanted to echo Pegasus4240 in saying that I’m pleasantly surprised by how much I like the pebble wolf sculpt! This is my first one – I skipped the last batch because for some reason I wasn’t drawn to them. Having one in person and holding it in my hand completely changes my mind, for the better! 😀

                            Having a realization like this makes me really miss seeing Windstones in brick and mortar stores. There are no retailers I know of around me. Not like I go to the mall much anymore, but that’s where I fell in love with Windstones as a kid. A picture can do a lot, sure. But there’s a wonderful allure to being able to see a piece in person, walk around it if not hold it, and really have it hook you into buying it, haha! I’m glad I have this wolf now to remind me again of the quality of Melody’s work.

                            Thank you Melody, Susie, and everyone at Windstone! I also was absolutely tickled by My Funny (er, Fuzzy!) Valentine 😉

                            Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!

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