Future pebble sculpts?

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      I’ll vote for red pandas. They are so cute, and that picture is perfect. 🙂

      Looking for-
      red fire young dragon
      old animal line frog, wolf, barn owl, tortoise, tiger cub


        I’d vote for rats too! They come in many different color options. 🙂

        Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.


          I’ll vote for red pandas. They are so cute, and that picture is perfect. 🙂

          ditto and I love lemurs as well!

          4 things I'm looking for:
          1. Mother Meerkat
          2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
          3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
          4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


            Sphynx cats! Yes, I said it, Sphynx cats! Imagine the awesome wrinkles, may be hard to do in pebble form but simply imagine the awesomeness of a Sphynx Pebble!

            Or even the awesome Curled eared ‘Elf’ cat. Which is basically just a sphynx with curled ears.

            *Formerly meowmix101
            Not currently open for PYO commissions.


              Those pictures are so cute! I like the lemur one and the red panda.

              Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                Feline-wise, A pebble lynx or bobcat would be wonderful! 🙂

                .*ºSearching for Spectrals and Rising Spectrals in all patterns and colors!º*.


                  Another vote for a rat! Please, please, please!


                    Feline-wise, A pebble lynx or bobcat would be wonderful! 🙂

                    Ooh, good one! That would go with the foxes well, too.


                    This is a little different, but you could try a pebble koi.

                    [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


                      OMG! RATS RATS RATS! 😀
                      Might also be a cute idea for a PYO Piece too!

                      IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                      Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                      Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                      *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                      *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


                        As MandBsMom pointed out, rats come in so many colors!!


                          I thought some of these would make for good pebble animals…they could still be small, with flat bottoms. I don’t know how different one pebble animal is to paint from the next (without having them blow away from the airbrush)…

                          a sitting arctic fox would be very cool

                           photo newposearctic_zps5234cf52.jpg

                          and picture this, except sans tongue lol!!

                           photo wouldbeawesome_zps32196e7f.jpg

                          or even something like this, with the tail wrapped around the front…a cute face like that should be facing forward, instead of all tucked in and curled up.

                           photo redpandapose_zps84995c43.jpg

                          and this is just funny 😛 I think the element of surprise might be lacking 😉

                           photo justbecause_zps32228d44.jpg

                          I just love all these pebble animals, and can’t wait to see what’s next!!!!

                          Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                            I really love the idea of female tanuki and big cats! May I suggest cougars? Their natural colouration is pretty simple compared to other big kitties like snow leopards. Plus they’re super cute as well as gorgeous and they’d go with the pebble wolves! (I really do adore snow leopards though!) I find the notion of pebble fish weird, but that’s probably just me haha. You could go crazy and paint the pebble cougars in house cat colours or other big cat colours if you wanted, but the default cougar colour looks pretty good for regular production.

                            Also… though they are very complicated colour-wise… African Wild Dogs? 😀

                            Looking forwards to more foxes! (Eeee tanuki please!!)

                            Check out my finished artwork at http://falcolf.deviantart.com/ and my sketch/studio blog at http://rosannapbrost.tumblr.com/



                              Left field thought… what about smooth or very basic scaled pebble dragon? Or a basic pebble griff? General pebble fantasy creatures. The dragon is my fave idea, Mel could pull him off like no other! 🙂

                              Quoting myself from the other thread- “As for new pebbles, what about globular goldfish? Ones like bubbleyes, narial bouquets, ranchus and orandas. They have such a host of natural colors and patterns as well, and would (I think) lend themselves well to fantasy colors and patterns. Or does it even have to be real? What about pebble fantasy critters like baby dragons or griffins or suchlike?”

                              So I second the fantasy critters, and a dragon being the fave. As for fish, my mom is needing to sell her netsukes so I have them here, and this is my favorite fish one (an oranda). Isn’t it adorable? Imagine what Ms. Melody could do with such fish!
                              (I can post the other ones, but this is the nicest)
                               photo PB160034_zpse3692906.jpg
                               photo PB160035_zps871eea62.jpg
                               photo PB160037_zps2e100615.jpg
                               photo PB160036_zpsfdd3ce42.jpg


                                I don’t want to seem impatient but just curious about when we might see the bat eared foxes? Since the baby poads came out this month and are still in stock I didn’t know if the foxes were going to be a Thanksgiving treat or a December goody. Even a guesstimate time line is helpful when planning for these things. Very excited to see them, and hope to grab one for my collection 🙂 .
                                I know it was mentioned that GBs are usually once a month and we already had our November one. I think the once a month GB is perfect, it is exciting for the buyers and gives us something to look forward to and brings in sales for Windstone.

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