
Frustration Scream Thread!

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      I fricking hate school right now. How the hell do I always manage to get one psycho teacher? I’ve managed part-time work and full-time grad school now for 4 semesters, but god it’s wearing me out.


        Dad will be in hospital a couple of days. They think he’s leaking blood internally, just can’t find where. He’s had a transfusion but still more testing to be done.


        So, an update on my dad… His doctors have found that he has cancer; a form of lymphoma. They’ve found spots on his kidneys and lungs. It’s highly aggressive. Went from normal bloodwork to near death in less than 2 weeks. He and mum were told that without treatment he might live anothoer 2 weeks; with treatment he could be cancer free in less than 3 years. Mum told him the decission was his and that she would support him entirely either way he chose. Dad has decided to fight so chemo starts today. They’ll keep him in hospital another week or se and then we see how things are progressing.

        Thanks to all of you who’ve responded with cyber hugs and support and those that have pm’d and emailed. You don’t know how much I appreciate all your kind thoughts and prayers. Any continued efforts at good thoughts, prayers, etc. would be vastly enjoyed. Thank you so, so much for being my “other family” It means so much.


        Go Dad!!!! Good luck with the chemo and one of the bests things is to keep a positive attitude and to surprise him now and then in order to keep his spirits up. Anti-cancer and good chemo thoughts heading your Dad’s way!



          All week all I have listened to is the combination of my family NAGGING on me about the painting. Then when they’re not nagging on me, they call me away from my painting to tell me something I couldn’t care less about, or my mothers wonderful “You’re working too hard on that painting” and “Why don’t you take a break?” lines >.< I CAN'T TAKE A BREAK IF YOU WANT IT DONE. Yes! I am working too hard on my painting, what else am I going to do?? Not finish it?? Because no one could be bothered to tell me the show date was 2 weeks EARLIER than I was ever told, I'm on a MUCH tighter time frame to get in done in! Ohhh.. you thought I was being payed $500 for the painting? I don't know where you ever got that number from! I'm being payed $150 for a $300 painting. Then you wonder why my motivation is done. and now my mood is straight up done. -_-

          I don't get this frustrated about commission work. I only get this frustrated when my family get involved! They are completely convinced I cannot handle responsibility. I can't tell you why they think this beyond I'm the youngest.
          So needless to say, I'm stressed out! I'd be 10x worse right now had I not gone dancing last night… My parents are both sick… 'n guess what I'm catching?? Fever, sore throat and sinus pressure… REALLY?!? With this much stress, there is no way I'm not going to get this thing FULL on and I get to work a dogshow with it?? are you kidding me?!? When I work a dogshow I'm working roughly 16hr days, doing the work of (at least) 4 people non-stop. It runs me into the ground when I'm not sick, I don't even want to think about what this is going to be like while I am sick 🙁 I don't get sicks days when working a show. I just buck up and face it and then feel 10x worse the following week.

          Right now, I just want to go find a dark corner and disappear for a while 🙁



            All week all I have listened to is the combination of my family NAGGING on me about the painting. Then when they’re not nagging on me, they call me out of my room to tell me something I couldn’t care less about, or my mothers wonderful “You’re working too hard on that painting” and “Why don’t you take a break?” lines >.< I CAN'T TAKE A BREAK IF YOU WANT IT DONE. Yes! I am working too hard on my painting, what else am I going to do?? Not finish it?? Because no one could be bothered to tell me the show date was 2 weeks EARLIER than I was ever told, I'm on a MUCH tighter time frame to get in done in! Ohhh.. you thought I was being payed $500 for the painting? I don't know where you ever got that number from! I'm being payed $150 for a $300 painting. Then you wonder why my motivation is done. and now my mood is straight up done. -_-

            I don't get this frustrated about commission work. I only get this frustrated when my family get involved! They are completely convinced I cannot handle responsibility. I can't tell you why they think this beyond I'm the youngest.
            So needless to say, I'm stressed out! I'd be 10x worse right now had I not gone dancing last night… My parents are both sick… 'n guess what I'm catching?? Fever, sore throat and sinus pressure… REALLY?!? With this much stress, there is no way I'm not going to get this thing FULL on and I get to work a dogshow with it?? are you kidding me?!? When I work a dogshow I'm working roughly 16hr days, doing the work of (at least) 4 people non-stop. It runs me into the ground when I'm not sick, I don't even want to think about what this is going to be like while I am sick 🙁 I don't get sicks days when working a show. I just buck up and face it and then feel 10x worse the following week.

            Right now, I just want to go find a dark corner and disappear for a while 🙁

            Are you sure you’re not my long lost daughter I never had? You and I have the same kinda days. 😉



            All week all I have listened to is the combination of my family NAGGING on me about the painting. Then when they’re not nagging on me, they call me out of my room to tell me something I couldn’t care less about, or my mothers wonderful “You’re working too hard on that painting” and “Why don’t you take a break?” lines >.< I CAN'T TAKE A BREAK IF YOU WANT IT DONE. Yes! I am working too hard on my painting, what else am I going to do?? Not finish it?? Because no one could be bothered to tell me the show date was 2 weeks EARLIER than I was ever told, I'm on a MUCH tighter time frame to get in done in! Ohhh.. you thought I was being payed $500 for the painting? I don't know where you ever got that number from! I'm being payed $150 for a $300 painting. Then you wonder why my motivation is done. and now my mood is straight up done. -_-

            I don't get this frustrated about commission work. I only get this frustrated when my family get involved! They are completely convinced I cannot handle responsibility. I can't tell you why they think this beyond I'm the youngest.
            So needless to say, I'm stressed out! I'd be 10x worse right now had I not gone dancing last night… My parents are both sick… 'n guess what I'm catching?? Fever, sore throat and sinus pressure… REALLY?!? With this much stress, there is no way I'm not going to get this thing FULL on and I get to work a dogshow with it?? are you kidding me?!? When I work a dogshow I'm working roughly 16hr days, doing the work of (at least) 4 people non-stop. It runs me into the ground when I'm not sick, I don't even want to think about what this is going to be like while I am sick 🙁 I don't get sicks days when working a show. I just buck up and face it and then feel 10x worse the following week.

            Right now, I just want to go find a dark corner and disappear for a while 🙁

            Awwww so sorry honey for all of the frusterations that you are facing. It is hard to be the youngest in the family for sure. I can relate. They still nag at ya like your a little kid and you just wish they’d see you as the adult that you ARE! 🙁 So maddening.

            The stress of doing the commission I can tell is getting to you. Any way you can get an extension on it and take a little down time to get your brain off of it so you can come at it fresh at a later date. Maybe they’ll be understanding about the Dog show being a sooner date than you expected.

            On the Sick……….that sucks so bad. Vicks on the chest, Advil cold and sinus and as much rest as you can sneak in between all the other demands of your life. I feel for ya honey and hope that all of the hrs you need to work do not take to great of a toll on you. Please be careful and do not over do it.

            Rest, be well and feel better soon. Sometimes ya just need to say NO and tell your family “I LOVE YOU BUT PISS OFF!!” 🙂 🙂


              Awwww so sorry honey for all of the frusterations that you are facing. It is hard to be the youngest in the family for sure. I can relate. They still nag at ya like your a little kid and you just wish they’d see you as the adult that you ARE! 🙁 So maddening.

              The stress of doing the commission I can tell is getting to you. Any way you can get an extension on it and take a little down time to get your brain off of it so you can come at it fresh at a later date. Maybe they’ll be understanding about the Dog show being a sooner date than you expected.

              On the Sick……….that sucks so bad. Vicks on the chest, Advil cold and sinus and as much rest as you can sneak in between all the other demands of your life. I feel for ya honey and hope that all of the hrs you need to work do not take to great of a toll on you. Please be careful and do not over do it.

              Rest, be well and feel better soon. Sometimes ya just need to say NO and tell your family “I LOVE YOU BUT PISS OFF!!” 🙂 🙂

              Heh, I’m fully intending your last recommendation the moment we’re done with that show.

              I could easily get an extension from my commissioner (They’re not the ones pushing, they never have been) – It’s my family. Dad jumped into the middle of a conversation with my commissioner, right when I was asking if she wanted a canvas print done (I was quoting the canvas prints from where I’ll order her regular print) and my dad jumped in and told her he can get them done much cheaper and he’ll get one done for her if she wants (Whatever. His deal, NOT mine!) – So now dad is pushing because he wants to send for the canvas print. Mom is pushing because it’s a dogshow person and because dad is pushing… Beyond that, they have nothing at all to do with my commission outside of treating me like I can’t handle responsibility. Thank you mom and dad. – There were literally two weeks when I was at my bfs place, that there wasn’t one phone conversation that happened that they didn’t nag “You really need to get that painting done” – I honestly can say I cannot physically fully focus my vision because I’ve been staring at a pc screen too much. I’m PRAYING it isn’t permanent damage to my vision.

              So if I do ask for an extension, I’ll get the third degree from my family about if I want to do this professionally (I don’t. I take commissions as a means of extra cash, I don’t want to do this non stop. I can’t do this non stop) I have to act like a professional etc etc blah blah blah.. we can all guess what that spill would be. Basically accusing me of not acting professional etc etc. When that is ALL that I do when it comes to my work.

              ‘n trying to say something to them to back them off? My dad sulks.. and my mom gets 5x worse and snippy and will hold that grudge (I still get snide comments about things I stood up to her about YEARS ago – When talking about my current bf, she still brings up an argument we had when I was dating a guy she HATED when I was 18! – That’s nearly 10 years ago!)

              The best way out of this is to finish the painting, which is really hard when I’m stressed.. and going to be even harder if I get sick 🙁 ‘n I’m gonna have to take a break from digital painting anything just to not hate it by the end of this. (Not to mention, try to get my vision back in check. I’d be SOL if it weren’t for eyedrops)

              So when I say it isn’t my commissions that stress me, I’m not kidding. If it were, say, a Windstone person who commissioned a painting from me, or anyone that didn’t commission me at a dog show.. So long they understood what I say about my time frame etc, and don’t push me, it’ll be smooth… I won’t have the nagging, ‘n that is what is bringing me to my wits end!


                ‘n trying to say something to them to back them off? My dad sulks.. and my mom gets 5x worse and snippy and will hold that grudge (I still get snide comments about things I stood up to her about YEARS ago – When talking about my current bf, she still brings up an argument we had when I was dating a guy she HATED when I was 18! – That’s nearly 10 years ago!)

                Please don’t hate me for saying this, but they do this to you because it works. Your dad sulks, so what? Mom gets worse? Limit your contact with her. Tell her that if she keeps treating you this way, you are going to hang up or leave the room, and then follow through. Yeah, they are going to get really bad for a little bit when you start setting boundaries, but if you are consistent they will finally back off. Same goes for the argument 10 years ago. Next time she brings it up, tell her you are no longer discussing that subject and end the conversation. If she won’t drop it or brings it up again, hang up/leave rinse and repeat.

                They aren’t treating you with respect because they know they can get away with it. Demand respect!

                Again, please don’t hate me!


                  I could easily get an extension from my commissioner (They’re not the ones pushing, they never have been) – It’s my family. Dad jumped into the middle of a conversation with my commissioner, right when I was asking if she wanted a canvas print done (I was quoting the canvas prints from where I’ll order her regular print) and my dad jumped in and told her he can get them done much cheaper and he’ll get one done for her if she wants (Whatever. His deal, NOT mine!) – So now dad is pushing because he wants to send for the canvas print. Mom is pushing because it’s a dogshow person and because dad is pushing…

                  This part pisses me off. A business transaction between you and your client is NONE of your family’s business. They want you to act professional? Next time they bring it up, tell them that you cannot discuss confidential matters with them.


                    ‘n trying to say something to them to back them off? My dad sulks.. and my mom gets 5x worse and snippy and will hold that grudge (I still get snide comments about things I stood up to her about YEARS ago – When talking about my current bf, she still brings up an argument we had when I was dating a guy she HATED when I was 18! – That’s nearly 10 years ago!)

                    Please don’t hate me for saying this, but they do this to you because it works. Your dad sulks, so what? Mom gets worse? Limit your contact with her. Tell her that if she keeps treating you this way, you are going to hang up or leave the room, and then follow through. Yeah, they are going to get really bad for a little bit when you start setting boundaries, but if you are consistent they will finally back off. Same goes for the argument 10 years ago. Next time she brings it up, tell her you are no longer discussing that subject and end the conversation. If she won’t drop it or brings it up again, hang up/leave rinse and repeat.

                    They aren’t treating you with respect because they know they can get away with it. Demand respect!

                    Again, please don’t hate me!

                    Heh.. I’d like to say that was the case… but to be honest.. with my dad he doesn’t really realize he does it (He’s one of those guys who just does things without thinking) and when I finally have enough and snap at it (trying to be nice doesn’t sink in) he feels bad and that’s why he sulks.. 99% of the time I’m very much so a daddies girl, so when his lil girl snaps at him he feels bad. He gets so set on goals sometimes though that he gets blind to everything else… and in this case, I have snapped at him, but it doesn’t take him long to get back to being set on his goal and does things all again without thinking about it.

                    My mom is a different story. She is what one would call a dominate personality… she doesn’t like being faced off with someone who doesn’t just roll over to what she says… ‘n unfortunately for her, she raised her daughter to be a very strong personality. – Truth be told, I get treated like this more than likely BECAUSE I stand up for myself.

                    So if I don’t want to be in a constant battle of the wits, which I’ve tried n doesn’t help and just sucks to go through.. I have to pick my battles… She’s been faced off numerous times with things I won’t back down on.. she’s heard the “I’m not talking about this anymore” I’m not bashful on straight walking away… brutal honesty… all that, we go through it.

                    In this case it’s just walk away and *try* to shake what they say and finish the painting. Finishing the painting is the only reasonable option. – It ends this and I meet my deadline without pushing back on my commissioner, who by all rights, doesn’t deserve a punishment due to my family nagging me… ‘n I stay out of a war I don’t feel like going through…

                    As for the responsibility thing… I’ve proven myself plenty of times, and have even gotten their kudos on how I handle most of my life… their denial of my ability to handle responsibility only makes sense on the level of them trying to keep me their little girl, and being an adult just isn’t always an option in their mind.

                    I understand them well. I love them dearly (Remove the subject of art from my mom and I, and very few other subjects we try to agree to disagree on, and we’re great together! Very close other wise… and she’ll turn to me when she’s having trouble with a dog show person being an idiot because she knows I’ll come up with the best way to handle them…. and as before mentioned, I’m a daddies girl!) but it doesn’t mean they don’t from time to time drive me absolutely crazy… and this is one of those times I’m going absolutely crazy and need someplace to vent it before I just turn into a rampaging b**** XD


                      Yeah, I get just needing to vent! Hang in there KP!


                        Yeah, I get just needing to vent! Hang in there KP!

                        *hugs* Thanks 🙂 ‘n thank you to all who listen to my rants, it does honestly help me a lot! I calm down a lot once I’ve been able to say it to someone..


                          Rod is trying to portray me as an unfit parent… *AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*




                            Rod is trying to portray me as an unfit parent… *AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                            Most judges are smart enough to figure these things out. Just show that you aren’t. Quite frankly, beyond that, I’d suggest using this to show that HE’S the one who’s unfit. After all, someone who’s that manipulative has no business teaching his poor character to the next generation. I hope your boyohs are doing ok in all this.


                              Gah, what is it that turns people weird when it comes to divorce?
                              I know its frustrating, but he has to PROVE with EVIDENCE that you are unfit and most judges will see this for what it is *hugs*


                                Howl at the Moon!! Let it out,cleanses your Soul.Works for me :bigsmile:
                                I bet before you are done,you are giggling at yourself and probably will have the neighborhood dogs joining in the chorus howling at the Moon with you 😀

                                Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                                (Wanted......Brimstone Lap)
                                Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.

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