Frequently Asked Questions – need your input!

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      Okay, so as many of you have requested, we are gonna make a FAQ, or Frequently Asked Questions.

      As a collector, what are the questions you think should be covered? They should be general Windstone questions, i.e. “What’s the recommended way to clean my Windstones?”. We are not looking for questions like “When will Melody paint the next winged fairy wolf squid in violet peacock?”, since that is very specific and time sensitive. 😉

      Also consider, as a new collector, what questions did you have about Windstones? I really appreciate the feedback you guys have and hope that something like this will help new and old collectors alike for common questions. 🙂

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
        My art:


          How about “What’s the difference between Emerald and Jade?”


            Maybe something in there about the differences between “limited production” and “limited edition”…as that was certainly confusing for me at first!

            "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
            -J R R Tolkien


              Arlla wrote:

              Maybe something in there about the differences between “limited production” and “limited edition”…as that was certainly confusing for me at first!

              And “Artist’s Edition”.


                How about the diffence between mint and good condition, etc.?

                A brief explanation on how Windstones are cast and painted would be nice.

                Where should one display Windstones? That could cover humid areas, in sunlight, etc.

                You may want to mention Melody’s personal sculps, like the poad and the lion kirin. Same thing for Maya’s, if she has any.

                Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                  Whats the best way to get cigarette tar and smoke out of a windstone? Thats what I need to know lol.


                    When were the first made?
                    What are all the production colors?
                    When were colors retired? brown, green, pea, white, emerald, rainbow
                    Which ones are male, female?


                      Nambroth wrote:

                      As a collector, what are the questions you think should be covered? They should be general Windstone questions, i.e. “What’s the recommended way to clean my Windstones?”. We are not looking for questions like “When will Melody paint the next winged fairy wolf squid in violet peacock?”, since that is very specific and time sensitive. 😉

                      SQUID??? When did we have squids??
                      How about what would be considered the most rare of the regular productions pieces?


                      Dragon Master wrote:

                      Nambroth wrote:

                      As a collector, what are the questions you think should be covered? They should be general Windstone questions, i.e. “What’s the recommended way to clean my Windstones?”. We are not looking for questions like “When will Melody paint the next winged fairy wolf squid in violet peacock?”, since that is very specific and time sensitive. 😉

                      SQUID??? When did we have squids??

                      Squids? I want one! In Black Emerald Peacock Please! Squeak, Squeak, Squeak!

                      (Sorry, I had to do it!)


                        keschete wrote:

                        Dragon Master wrote:

                        Nambroth wrote:

                        As a collector, what are the questions you think should be covered? They should be general Windstone questions, i.e. “What’s the recommended way to clean my Windstones?”. We are not looking for questions like “When will Melody paint the next winged fairy wolf squid in violet peacock?”, since that is very specific and time sensitive. 😉

                        SQUID??? When did we have squids??

                        Squids? I want one! In Black Emerald Peacock Please! Squeak, Squeak, Squeak!

                        (Sorry, I had to do it!)
                        How did I known that I was opening a BIG can of worms??


                          I was thinking the exact same thing. :squeak: :squeak: for the winged fairy wolf squids in violet peacock.

                          Seriously, provide a link to the new price database. A link to Astral Castle’s list, so they can see what’s still in production and what’s been retired and when. A link to the Windstone’s Ebay Sales so they can see pics of the LP, LE.

                          Shipping instructions to save on damage.

                          That’s all I can think of right now…I’m sure there’ll be more.


                            Oh, and what to do when you find a fake or copy.


                            Jasmine wrote:

                            Oh, and what to do when you find a fake or copy.

                            And tell us when the Black Emerald Peacock Squids will be available…since Melody MUST sign those. They will be so special.

                            (sorry, I just can’t help myself….should I post this in the Ask Melody section? We Must pick on NAM :))


                            A rarity scale would be nice for the regular production pieces. Perhaps with a star system, like “*” means common, “*****” means ultra rare, or whatever 😀

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