
Foo Puppy Painted! Let's see!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Foo Puppy Painted! Let's see!

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    The expression! The pose! The butt!!!!! These are adorable.


    I love them all, keep them coming guys! Also, so in on a Foo swap!



      These are just amazing! I really love seeing everyone’s work. We’ve got some very talented artists here:)


        Very nice! Did you actually use tea?


          I’m actually curious about the technique for tea staining a pyo as well and if a particular type of tea works better (dark tea vs. green or fruit teas, though I imagine fruit teas could give interesting tinges of reds. I was actually planning on staining a set of the foo dogs this way for an old, time worn look.


          Melody’s tea-stained Foo Mother made me fall in love so much with the coloring that I figured I’d give it a try on a Pup! (I love the way he came out!)

          (He met one of my kitties before his “photo shoot”!)
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          I did, Etruscan! All I did was take a very watered down cup of tea and use a paintbrush to cover the whole piece with it so it had a very pale color to it. Then I used a half a cup of tea (with two teabags in it) to try and darken certain areas on the piece. Since the Pup took the stain slowly, I just went over those areas repeatedly until I was happy with the color! It was so super easy and it even left him smelling great! Hahaha! 🙂


            Here are my Foo’s Flame and water 😀 I hope you all like them.

            PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket<img src="http://i1254.photobuckPhotobucketet.com/albums/hh611/toshiami/flame6.jpg” border=”0″ alt=”Photobucket”>PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket


              Grayfire – Your flame pup made me squee. So gorgeous!

              Puff – I love that you actually used tea! That’s seriously ingenious.


                Love how the Tea-Staining turned out! 🙂

                Also love those colours on the Flame pup. Stunning!


                Oooohh I love the purple flame!


                  These guys are Super Cute! and tiny!
                  I’ve told myself no PYOs until I’ve graduated (4 months to go!) I don’t need any more distractions :p

                  I tea stained a KiRin and Dragon a few years ago and love the finish. I used regular orange pekoe black tea (red rose or tetly) and used a few bags in a large bowl of hot water, let it strengthen until it looked black and put the PYOs directly into the tea, leaving them there til they reached a colour I liked, they will lighten as they dry, then took them out and first patted them dry before leaving them to dry for a couple of days. You can antique or paint them just like a regular PYO too. These guys are so tiny and inexpensive I think I’m going to try staining them with different teas when I get the chance 😀



                    Holy crap!! These two are my favorites so far – you guys did AWESOME jobs on these!! I haven’t had time to get to mine yet, I cant wait until I can though 😀

                    *still fanning self over the 2 above* So. Beautiful.

                    Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                    Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                      Since everyone else is sharing theirs, I figured it was time to stop lurking and add in my own. It is my first time with a PYO, so it’s not the best but I’m quite happy with the outcome of my pup! I based the pattern on an asagi koi (more specifically this art of one http://fav.me/d7y7rc).


                        My next foo pup will probably be based on a betts like this http://betta-fish-care.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/bettafishcaretips.jpg

                        What color eyes would go best with that coloration?

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