Foo moms?

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    I thought initially the plan was to have the dad with a foot up, for the pup? Were there casting problems?

    It’s supposed to be the Foo Mom with her foot on the pup, Foo Dad with his foot on the globe. But then we wouldn’t have the awesome pups to paint 🙂

    There can still be an extra Pup here, and there….For a Foo Family, Mom, Dad, Brother pup, and sister pup. Then you have the next generation of Guardians. ^_^


      Holey-Shmoley!!!! I am so thrilled that there are PYO FlapCats,and Orientals on the way! I am sooo excited! Is this Flion a Mate for the original? Or is it just a replacement? <3
      …Oh yeah, I have 1 more question; Will the Dad Foo be holding a globe of some sort like in historical depictions?

      The Flion is a replacement for the old Flion… I don’t think we will ever make the old one again, unless I fix it a bunch, and I probably will never get around to that.
      The Foo dad isn’t provided with a globe, I figure people can find their own globe to give him, he has room between his front legs for something, either a puppy or a globe.

      Except that most Foo Dads are depicted with thier foot on top of the globe/marble/round thing

      This is true. Is it too late to modify? If it is, well…I guess we shall have to wedge a ball in front.

      Yeah, sometimes the males have their foot up on a globe, but not always. Often the foo-mom ( Chinese versions I have seen anyway…) has her foot on a puppy lying on his back.
      The foo-mom I did just didn’t want to have her foot up, so the male doesn’t either. I can’t explain it, but my sculptures often make their own decisions.


        I thought initially the plan was to have the dad with a foot up, for the pup? Were there casting problems?

        It’s supposed to be the Foo Mom with her foot on the pup, Foo Dad with his foot on the globe. But then we wouldn’t have the awesome pups to paint 🙂

        The Chinese versions have their feet up on things, but other depictions I have seen don’t.


          I thought initially the plan was to have the dad with a foot up, for the pup? Were there casting problems?

          It wouldn’t be impossible to cast with a foot up, but he is already half-way finished with both feet down…but, let me think about it…


            It’ll be the foo uncle!

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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              Go to the blog, I just posted a pic of the foo-dad in the clay mold. He can still be changed to have his foot up ( which foot?) Let me know if this is what you want!


                I rather love how he looks with both feet down, it makes it a bit more uniquely Windstone. The space between his feet seems like it would provide for all manner of options. Just my two cents.


                  I rather love how he looks with both feet down, it makes it a bit more uniquely Windstone. The space between his feet seems like it would provide for all manner of options. Just my two cents.

                  Yeah, I have no problem with putting a globe between his legs.


                    I rather love how he looks with both feet down, it makes it a bit more uniquely Windstone. The space between his feet seems like it would provide for all manner of options. Just my two cents.

                    ditto…looks good to me…

                    4 things I'm looking for:
                    1. Mother Meerkat
                    2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                    3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                    4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                      I like how he looks now to. Feet down are fine with me.


                        I thought initially the plan was to have the dad with a foot up, for the pup? Were there casting problems?

                        It wouldn’t be impossible to cast with a foot up, but he is already half-way finished with both feet down…but, let me think about it…

                        Oh goodness, that came across the wrong way! I wasn’t trying to say “UGH, WHY ARE THE FEET DOWN?!” I was only curious if you ran into trouble. I love them either way. They are very classy!!

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                          I’d rather have him in the pose that he’s in.

                          With the paw up, it could come across wrong. Sure he could look like he’s askin for a paw shake…or he could also look like he has an injured leg.

                          Personally I like his strong sitting stance. The feet apart gives him a confident look.


                            Designing him with his paw up would be more accurate in line with the folklore, but so would the Foo Mum (with a puppy under her paw).

                            Because he’s Windstone I say to keep him with his feet down, they both look regal and unique that way 🙂


                            Honestly, I think he’s better with both feet down. Although the male is covered in clay right now, I’m looking at the Foo Mom and thinking that both legs down really does good things for the sculpt. It creates a sturdy stance and the front legs make a graceful shape with the line of the neck and head. It’s a sweeping sort of shape that draws the eye up to the foo’s face (wonderful face on that momma!) and makes the whole critter seem taller and more determined, which is perfect for a guardian. If the male had a foot up, he’d look a little unbalanced and I think it would spoil his form. Besides, his missus has both paws down; I’m enough of a fan of symmetry to favor a similar stance for the male.

                            I am REALLY looking forward to these! 😀


                              I like the paws down too. I think it would be odd to have it up on the male since the female is down. Both the globe and the puppy can go between the front paws.

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