Foo moms?

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      I was wondering how the foo moms where coming along? Also I was wondering about the other new goodies 😀 how are they coming along?


        I was wondering how the foo moms where coming along? Also I was wondering about the other new goodies 😀 how are they coming along?

        I counted, and Marco, our mold maker is working on 9 new things at once, so everything is coming along, but it is a big job to do all of these at the same time.
        The Female foo-dog is finished,but I’m not sure where she is in the final mold making process.
        The rough male Foo-dog is clayed up for a mold. He has a wider forehead, bigger horns and fuller mane than the female, so even though I used the same sculpture and turned the head, he will still need a lot of work.

        The winged meerkat has its final mold case built, so I will probably get a first casting to test paint next week.

        The hatching dragon and the sitting young dragon are getting casting carriers made, I think…so if they are, they should get into production pretty soon.

        The unicorn colt sculpture is finished, but hasn’t had a final mold made yet.

        Then there is: the flapcat pyo, the oriental dragon pyo, the standing kirin
        (not sure what it is)and the grab bag dragon that are still rough sculptures. These are clayed up for a mold but haven’t had cases made yet.
        And THEN there’s the new Flion and the new large flapcat. They have been waiting patiently for their turn.


          Cool! Time to find myself a second job! :bigsmile:


            WOOOT!!! Thats awesome!


              wow! this all sounds exciting!

              4 things I'm looking for:
              1. Mother Meerkat
              2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
              3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
              4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                Pyo flap cats and orientals ! Yippy . Winged meercats too . I’m happy .


                Holey-Shmoley!!!! I am so thrilled that there are PYO FlapCats,and Orientals on the way! I am sooo excited! Is this Flion a Mate for the original? Or is it just a replacement? <3
                …Oh yeah, I have 1 more question; Will the Dad Foo be holding a globe of some sort like in historical depictions?


                  It’s like waiting for your birthday when you are a little kid…time never seems to go fast enough!

                  So many new things coming out. It will be so much fun =)

                  Thanks for making some new PYO’s as well as the new production pieces. I dont know which is more exciting, GB dragons or a PYO orientals and foo parents!



                    Fantastic news! I can’t wait to see the finished Foo Dog father, but especially the Oriental Dragon and Flapcat pyos!

                    What are the dimensions? 🙂


                      Holey-Shmoley!!!! I am so thrilled that there are PYO FlapCats,and Orientals on the way! I am sooo excited! Is this Flion a Mate for the original? Or is it just a replacement? <3
                      …Oh yeah, I have 1 more question; Will the Dad Foo be holding a globe of some sort like in historical depictions?

                      The Flion is a replacement for the old Flion… I don’t think we will ever make the old one again, unless I fix it a bunch, and I probably will never get around to that.
                      The Foo dad isn’t provided with a globe, I figure people can find their own globe to give him, he has room between his front legs for something, either a puppy or a globe.


                        Holey-Shmoley!!!! I am so thrilled that there are PYO FlapCats,and Orientals on the way! I am sooo excited! Is this Flion a Mate for the original? Or is it just a replacement? <3
                        …Oh yeah, I have 1 more question; Will the Dad Foo be holding a globe of some sort like in historical depictions?

                        The Flion is a replacement for the old Flion… I don’t think we will ever make the old one again, unless I fix it a bunch, and I probably will never get around to that.
                        The Foo dad isn’t provided with a globe, I figure people can find their own globe to give him, he has room between his front legs for something, either a puppy or a globe.

                        Except that most Foo Dads are depicted with thier foot on top of the globe/marble/round thing


                        Holey-Shmoley!!!! I am so thrilled that there are PYO FlapCats,and Orientals on the way! I am sooo excited! Is this Flion a Mate for the original? Or is it just a replacement? <3
                        …Oh yeah, I have 1 more question; Will the Dad Foo be holding a globe of some sort like in historical depictions?

                        The Flion is a replacement for the old Flion… I don’t think we will ever make the old one again, unless I fix it a bunch, and I probably will never get around to that.
                        The Foo dad isn’t provided with a globe, I figure people can find their own globe to give him, he has room between his front legs for something, either a puppy or a globe.

                        Except that most Foo Dads are depicted with thier foot on top of the globe/marble/round thing

                        This is true. Is it too late to modify? If it is, well…I guess we shall have to wedge a ball in front.


                          I think it would look cute if he had one foot held up with space underneath for a globe. Then you could either have a globe underneath, or it would look like he was asking for a “paw shake”.


                            I thought initially the plan was to have the dad with a foot up, for the pup? Were there casting problems?

                            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                            My art:


                              I thought initially the plan was to have the dad with a foot up, for the pup? Were there casting problems?

                              It’s supposed to be the Foo Mom with her foot on the pup, Foo Dad with his foot on the globe. But then we wouldn’t have the awesome pups to paint 🙂

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