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      I did take him with me whenever I wasn’t in the hospital, didn’t what him to catch anything! So he saw quite a bit of the city even if it wasn’t a formal tour!

      (click on the image for larger version)


        One day I took him to work with me. I work for a UN organization in a very nice building.

        He was great company on the drives there and back and enjoyed the view a lot!

        (click for larger version)

        Don’t be fooled by this picture, rush hour traffic in Montreal can be murder!


          The Organization I work for is a specialized agency of the United Nations that handles civil aviation. It’s governed by a Council consisting of 36 elected member States, two of which are the United States and Canada.

          I thought that Blue would get a thrill out of seeing the Council room. And he was tickled pink to have his picture taken in the United States Seat!

          (click for larger version)

          He felt very official!


            He also admired the view from my office window:

            (click for larger version)

            Can’t complain! 😉


              And of course, before I sent him on his way, I had to get him a little something. Here he is admiring his souvenir. He especially liked that the blue matched his eyes, vain little Fuzzy!

              (click for larger version)


                Well that’s it for his visit to Montreal! I would have had more time to show him around this week, but I didn’t want to keep him too long so that others might have a chance to host him.

                I’m waiting to hear back from his next stop and he will be on his way soon.

                He was great fun having around and I hope others can enjoy his visit has much as I did. 🙂


                  Your photos are not showing for me. 🙁

                  They should be showing for everyone now, I’m using a new image hosting site and having a bit of trouble with it!


                    Well, littleironhorse, I’m sorry to hear about you Dad, but very glad he’s on the mend now.

                    Blue is a pretty good sport and seems to be OK with spending some time in the house and backyard. When he was here, he helped me get a lot of workbooks prepared for my September class. Will you get a bit of time to take him around town before he goes on to his next adventure?

                    Thanks Scathach!

                    I did think about keeping him a little longer, but I don’t want “hog” him, so I’m going to give someone else a chance to host him.


                      Your photos are not showing for me. 🙁

                      They should be showing for everyone now, I’m using a new image hosting site and having a bit of trouble with it!

                      Yes, the photos are there now. Blue does look like he is having a good time.


                        Fantastic photos Moonbeam! He’s seeing some really awesome places, and I chuckle over his dinosaur viewing 😀 (the volcano would have me feeling nervous!)
                        You’re vegetarian too I see! My last flight meal was not that impressive though ;_;

                        Thank you! I was a bit nervous about the volcano, too, but it was really quite harmless. But the whole island is constantly covered in a fine layer of ash and that was really annoying >__<

                        Yesterday we safely landed back in Munich and here are some more pics 🙂

                        Our last few days we stayed in Tokyo and if you are there you just have to go to the Skytree, Tokyos brandnew 634 meter high TV Tower.

                        Looking down on this incredibly big city

                        Of course we had to go to a running sushi restaurant 😉 There were only very few vegetarian Sushi but it was a lot of fun!

                        And visited the impressive Daibutsu (great Buddha) in Kamakura

                        A last look outside the airplane-window on our flight from Frankfurt to Munich


                          Oh! I am so impressed with all the traveling that my Fuzzy friends are doing! This is wonderful, seeing so much of the world. I had no idea that they would collect souveniers along the way! If you host one, please remember that he’ll need a bigger envelope and more postage to travel now – probably a padded envelope if he’s got piercings!

                          Thank you Blue and Purple for your posts. Now I wonder what Red is up to??? Anybody seen him lately?


                            Red is visiting me in Alaska! He is getting ready to go to a new destination, I think he’s looking for some respite from the cold. Pics to come soon!


                              We had a lot of fun this past month and now Purply is more than ready for his next adventure in CANADA!
                              I found him a Fuzzy-sized charm for Love and Luck in Japan, so he should have a very safe trip 🙂


                                Go Fuzzies! I am so glad that all three are still accounted for! 🙂 Can’t wait to see more pictures! 🙂


                                  Blue is on his way to New Mexico! I wish I could have slipped into the envelope with him! 🙂

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