First PYO Dragon "Ocean Merlot" – Better pics :P

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone First PYO Dragon "Ocean Merlot" – Better pics :P

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  • #545777

    Sorry to hear that Nirvana. Oh ouch. I understand all about meds. I’m not a nurse, but I know you have to have problems with something to take that…My doc tried to put me on them, but I refused. I’ll deal with my back how it is.


    I figured out my problem…gotta hold the camera steady too…I got the focus, but the shakes keep me from being steady enough…maybe I need like a mini tripod or something! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


    The picture in the back of the first pic might look familiar to someone… πŸ˜†
    Although I have gotten quite a few pieces this year so far, and can’t quite remember who sent it to me. I really like it though! πŸ˜€

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