Finding the Easter Egg (or, hidden things in Windstones)

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      All right guys! So how many of you have noticed little “hidden” things in your Windstones? Melody has a great sense of humor and enjoys adding little “Easter Eggs” in her carving process of making them. I’m pretty sure not all the sclupts have them, but some are very subtle while others are obvious!

      I knowdrag0nfeathers spotted one on the momma griffin- there are actually THREE! One is obvious, one is semi-obvious, and one is well hidden. I won’t tell what they are unless you can’t find them (I know not everyone has this sculpt so if no one else does I’ll reveal the secret).

      I also know the father dragon has one (VERY verysubtle, study his horns!), as does the wizard I’m repairing.

      Has anyone else noticed these? It’s a lot of fun!

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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          Wow! I never thought to look!! Another way to spot a fake, too, hu?


            skigod377 wrote:

            Wow! I never thought to look!! Another way to spot a fake, too, hu?

            Well, yes and no- yes, if someone makes a sculpture from scratch to resemble a Windstone… no if someone just takes a cast off of a real Windstone (this happens often). πŸ™

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
            My art:


            Cool! I’ll have to check my male when I get home. Are there any other sculpts that have them?


              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              Cool! I’ll have to check my male when I get home. Are there any other sculpts that have them?

              Yes, I would like to know that too. Also, Nam, which wizard were you referring to?


                I have been studying his horns for a while now… Nothing yet…


                  The only thing I’ve spotted is that the crouching chick’s necklace is very slightly crooked.


                    I don’t see anything on the Male Dragon’s horns either. I found the griffin under the front wing on the Mother Griffin, and the row of leaves under the back wing, but not a third thing.


                    😯 I can’t wait to buy a wolf-colored mama and see those for myself!


                      ooooh… I just checked my female griffin and I found three! w00t! That’s so kewl! πŸ˜€

                      EDIT: The third is a peace symbol under the right wing (near the back haunches).

                      I checked my male dragon, but I don’t know if I found it or not. πŸ˜•

                      EDIT: There are some little lines up near the top that may say something, but my room is dark and I can’t tell. The ridges kind of remind me of hatchling feathers on the newborn griffs, but I don’t think that is it (though it does look different from the mother dragon).


                        siberakh1 wrote:

                        ooooh… I just checked my female griffin and I found three! w00t! That’s so kewl! πŸ˜€

                        I checked my male dragon, but I don’t know if I found it or not. πŸ˜•

                        I hope it’s ok to ask, but what is the third thing?


                          I found the third thing on the female griffin, finally. It’s very small and I had to put on my reading glasses to see it. πŸ˜† I don’t know if I should tell or not.

                          Still nothing on the Male Dragon.


                            SilverArrow wrote:

                            siberakh1 wrote:

                            ooooh… I just checked my female griffin and I found three! w00t! That’s so kewl! πŸ˜€

                            I checked my male dragon, but I don’t know if I found it or not. πŸ˜•

                            I hope it’s ok to ask, but what is the third thing?

                            I just edited my post. Does that help?


                              Was it a peace symbol or an Easter egg? I thought it was actually an Easter egg when I looked at it. My eyes aren’t the best for little things though, so I could be wrong.

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