Favorite Gemstone…

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      I apologize if this is a silly question but…I was just curious what your favorite gemstone was? I ask because I just recently was made aware that my favorite production color to date, Peacock, was actually based on the mineral peacock ore. I thought that was really neat 🙂 . I have several favorites myself, but my top three are Amber, Labradorite and Rainbow Moonstone.



        My favorite gemstone? I don’t know, I like them all! Sapphire has some of the coolest chemistry though! Especially the yellow stuff. I basically like anything shiny that interests me for things like how it’s made (diamonds are quite boring, actually), there’s one that made of crushed ancient critters that’s cool, there’s amber (nothing like fossilized tree sap). You get the idea. If it can do something cool in chemistry, or has a neat origin story, or is shiny (I’m like a magpie) then I love it!

        Oh, man I am SUCH a nerd…


        😆 Good answer, Dragon. Forget picking favorites. If it’s shiny and colorful, I like it.


          I have to admit, I’m like that too. My husband teases me and says I must have been a crow or a dragon in one of my past lives. I love collecting pretty and shiny things. I have an obscene amount of beads, many of which are natural gemstones. I suppose you could call that a ‘hoard of beads’ .


            Good question! I have several favorites as well, but I most often find myself drawn towards hematite.


              I like emeralds (ya think?) and amber and turquoise. Citrines are nice too, especially the orangey ones. Oh, and Lake Superior Agates, especially when I find them myself.


                Boulder Opals, Moonstone and Peacock ore for me. 🙂


                Amber, Lapis Lazuli and Amethyst for me! 😀


                  I’m in the shiny category. I have all sorts of stnes, whatever catches my eye. Of course it doesn’t always have to shine either, it can be a striking color as well and I’m done for.

                  Of course, I pick my cloths by feel too. Must touch everything..including shiny, sparkley stones. 😈

                  Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                  Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                  Sun Dragon Koi #3


                    Ruby and Alexandrite. I’m wearing them everyday in my mom’s Mother’s ring tht I found in her jewelery box when cleaning out her belongings last year
                    I’m Ruby and just found out that Alexandrite is a June birth stone and it changes colors


                      I’m all about the shiney too. My bf knows the one way to get my attention is to wave something shiney in my face… 😆


                        My favorite varies – it is whatever gemstone is mounted in an unusual ring mounting. I love rings

                        Haven’t you heard

                        DIAMONDS ARE A GIRLS BEST FRIEND

                        or was tha movie before your time?


                          I love that movie.


                          I’m in the shiney/coloreful category.

                          I also love the cuts on gemstones. Cushion cuts are beautiful. And some of the “laser cut” stones are awesome looking.

                          I love jewelry, I work in the jewelry department at a store and I LOVE putting all the new jewelry into the cases. My coworkers know it and leave the new stuff for me to do when I come to work ^^

                          Rings are my favorite. Earrings are a close second.

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