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  • #836530

    Really sore loser! I posted a comment on karma’s photo about how Karma bit her in the butt (not a nasty comment either, just a basic one) and she messaged me about how my 2 cents was meaningless and how I wasted my time. It’s like-jeez..take a deep breath and a nap, because she sure seems to take it personally. I am glad Karma won!


      umm.. . . I think I liked it too late. . .


      eaglefeather831 wrote:

      Really sore loser! I posted a comment on karma’s photo about how Karma bit her in the butt (not a nasty comment either, just a basic one) and she messaged me about how my 2 cents was meaningless and how I wasted my time. It’s like-jeez..take a deep breath and a nap, because she sure seems to take it personally. I am glad Karma won!

      Holy Cow what a horrible attitude!


      BRoS wrote:

      umm.. . . I think I liked it too late. . .

      Thats ok, it cant hurt, I imagine that she is still watching it, and with her attitude she kinda needs a wake up call! 😀


        I LOVE paco collars but I can’t shell out the money for them. I entered Sidney in that contest but came no where near winning. Congratz to you!


        How big is Sidney PD? Because I have one of Gages that i am selling, but its really big, let me know and i can add some pictures if you would like.


          Sid is only a medium size dog but she has a great big neck. Right now she is in a 17inch collar but I’m sure the collar you have is probably much bigger. I’ve actually taken to making her own collars since I like to switch them up so much. I’m trying to learn how to hand sew leather right now since I don’t trust the rivets to stay in place if she pulls really hard. I’ve tugged the hell out of them with no problem but she is a little ball of muscle so I’m sure she could be much rougher then me.


          Oh ya its bigger, LOL, its a 24-26, but I think would fit a 22-28 neck, too big though, lol.

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