Emerald vs. Jade

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  • #851664

      Just wondering—when I list an item on e-bay, doesn’t theoriginalfritochick show up as the seller????? I’m sure you could figure out I’m the same fritochick that’s on the forum,, right???

      Nope – For one thing, I don’t think you are that visible on the forum. Secondly, I would never assume that theoriginalfritochick on ebay is the same as fritochick on the forum. And thirdly, going by my own experience, I was not even aware that you are a forum member until after I bought a piece on ebay and sent you a long message about how I wanted the piece packed (it was packed very well, by the way) so you cannot assume that new forum members are aware that you exist here.

      Fritochick (Mary)

        OK OK The next time I sell a Windstone on e-bay, I’ll let the forum know. Thanks for the packing compliment by the way.


          Maybe I’m strange, but I noticed the ebay name and thought “I know there is a forum member named fritochick. Must be the same person”.


            I love the jade emp dragon! He’s absolutely beautiful! 🙂 And thanks for the pics and responses. Now I’m even more undecided on which one I like the most! LOL! 🙂

            Wampus Dragon

              I think I would sell my first born for that Jade Emperor. Please please ask Melody to paint a second one for Ebay. He is SO gorgeous.


                I think I would sell my first born for that Jade Emperor. Please please ask Melody to paint a second one for Ebay. He is SO gorgeous.

                Melody didn’t paint that one. We found it at the old shop. Just a random box of unsold product, and just happened to be Jade Emperor.


                  Maybe I’m strange, but I noticed the ebay name and thought “I know there is a forum member named fritochick. Must be the same person”.

                  No, you’re not strange – you just have a lot longer on the forum than I do and recognize a lot more people! You have to know that there is a forum member with a similar name before you can make the connection. One of the advantages of ebay sellers identifying themselves as also being members of the forum is that it reassures people who have just recently joined the forum and (perhaps) have just started buying Windstones.

                  Edit – It is true that I wouldn’t assume a similar name = the same person on both ebay and the forum. There are too many amines, video games, movies, TV shows and other sources for names that I don’t recognize.

                  Wampus Dragon

                    Will he always stay at Windstone or would he ever be auctioned?


                      He is a permanent resident here. He was boxed up like a emerald emp though, as if he was waiting to be sold but just got left behind. So I’m thinking that there were probably at least a few others painted and sold as regular emerald emperors.


                        One of my recurring Windstone dreams (please don’t tell me I’m the only one who has those! :party:) is walking into an antique shop/garage sale/thrift store/old store and finding a jade emperor. 😆


                          I’ll let you know once they show up. 🙂

                          Hannah, thanks for not making me spend even more money for them 😉

                          I actually did notice the similar names and looked at both profiles and
                          finding that both were from the same town, I figured it probably was
                          the same person. But then I tend to notice those things…

                          All three scratcher will join an extensive family of dragons that we are
                          trying to complete after years of not being able to afford/find them.


                            Heh, LIH’s pic is mine (the one on the truck tailgate). I took several, including a flash/indoors one, if people want to see more jade/emerald together. (no longer own the jade scratcher)


                              Did Melody ever make that ‘windstone museum’, with all the weird pieces in one place on display? I remember one of the old offices kind of being the unofficial museum, but I thought there were plans for an actual real space for them eventually. That jade emp definitely belongs in there.

                              "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                              -J R R Tolkien


                                An online version or gallery of this Museum of Windstone Oddities would be AWESOME!


                                  This is a totally stolen picture from I can’t remember which forum member, but there was also a jade hatching empress that surfaced a few years ago on ebay. So far as I know it’s the only one anyone knows about. This pic is that person’s three jade dragons together.


                                  "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                                  -J R R Tolkien

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