Emerald vs. Jade

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  • #503500

      I would like to know if anyone has pictures of a Jade Scratcher (or any dragon) next to an Emerald. I saw a Jade scratcher and an Emerald on e-bay and think I like the jade better but would like comparison photos. Thanks to all! 😀


        I just don’t care for Jade . Emerald green is one of the few shades of green I like .


          I think I saw the auctions you are talking about with the Emerald and the Jade scratchers – I believe the Jade Scratcher was mislabeled. Looking at them side by side, they were literally the same green color, the one labeled “jade” simply had more of the accent greens than the one labeled “Emerald”.

          This doesn’t help your question at all, I just wanted to share my thoughts XD

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          Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


            The image is not mine, I found it on the internet.


              Here’s a picture of a jade scratcher:


              Here’s a line up of regular emeralds (note the emerald color does vary quite a bit in darkness):

              Emeral Dragons

              Unfortunately, I only still own the jade scratcher, so I can’t take a picture of all of them together.


                Lap Dragon

                Scratching Dragon

                Fritochick (Mary)

                  Hi guys—the scratchers on e-bay were mine. I admit the pictures weren’t the greatest but——they were a JADE and an EMERALD. Side bt side you CAN see a difference. Besides the jades all have more gold on the wings. I hope the winning bidder is pleased. Just thought I’d clear things up!!!!


                    Oops! Sorry about that Frito!! I admit I didn’t bid on that jade specifically because I thought it was mislabeled!! >< Argh! Oh well.. Sorry for the misunderstandng 🙂

                    I bet if you advertized on the forum about your ebay pieces they would get more traffic too, and I for one would be WAY more comfortable with bidding on something that a forum member put up 🙂

                    Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                    Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!

                    Danzig Moon (Karen)

                      Oops! Sorry about that Frito!! I admit I didn’t bid on that jade specifically because I thought it was mislabeled!! >< Argh! Oh well.. Sorry for the misunderstandng 🙂

                      I bet if you advertized on the forum about your ebay pieces they would get more traffic too, and I for one would be WAY more comfortable with bidding on something that a forum member put up 🙂

                      I second that. I get more information on the piece and usally will come with it’s box or packed correctly!!!! Have not recieved ANY broken pieces lately because I bid or buy from forum.

                      *** Always looking for Brindles..*** AWD Pieces **** Lavender Coiled Mother with Globe**** if you have one you would like to sell or trade please contact me ?






                          Is that the jade emperor? I remember hearing about him, but I don’t recall if I ever saw any pictures. He’s beautiful!


                            Yes. That is the only known example so far of a solid jade emp.

                            Fritochick (Mary)

                              Just wondering—when I list an item on e-bay, doesn’t theoriginalfritochick show up as the seller????? I’m sure you could figure out I’m the same fritochick that’s on the forum,, right???


                              Ohhh, been a while since we’ve seen the jade emp around here. I adore the jades, I wish there were more of them.


                                Just wondering—when I list an item on e-bay, doesn’t theoriginalfritochick show up as the seller????? I’m sure you could figure out I’m the same fritochick that’s on the forum,, right???

                                Honestly, I don’t really look at seller’s names when I’m browsing ebay :/

                                It’s fine if you’d rather not list things here as well – It was just a suggestion that I know could help attract more people to your auctions 🙂

                                Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                                Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!

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