Ebay stealing

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    Tell me about it! 😆


      Well it all started……..


      😆 😆 Good one, DM.


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Romeodanny wrote:

      I like the lap dragon. But, I think I like the OW more. If only the OW wasn’t so big.

      I like the big sculpts, except that they take up a lot of space. Everybody talks about the size of the OW – I bet I’ll still be surprised when I get to see my first one face to face.
      I first saw an OW in a store. I ended up buying an emerald lap instead of the OW, then I came back the next day for the OW. I loved them both and still do. The OW dosen’t have a name but, the lap is called Alfred.


        I have never thought to name any of my Windstones


        The name fits. I’d be surprised if anyone could tell me why I named an emerald lap Alfred.
        I just bought a white young, the seller told me that his name is Dodge. So I’m not the only one.


          Alfred Hitchcock is the only thing I can think of


          No, sorry no cigar for you. I’ll give only this hint. He’s from a book. Wow, that’s so vague. I love being vague. It used to be one of my favorite set of books.


            well no cigar is GREAT for me since I do not smoke so now someone else gets to guess


              Batman’s butler?


              Oh I forgot about that one. Nope. I was a batman fan when I was four I think. I liked the original corny batman.


                Alfred E. Newman


                🙄 No, I’ll let you know since I don’t think you’ll let it go. He’s named after a character from The Death Gate Cycle. Alfred was the last Sarten on Arianus. Well that was his “mench” name at least. He was a serpent mage, and could transform into a dragon. I think it was green, maybe blue green? I might have nicknamed the OW Haplo, but, it never stuck if I did.


                  you are right I NEVER would have gotten it


                    I haven’t read those books in forever. OMG. Too funny. It fits I think.

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