
Ebay stealing

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    Welcome to the boards SeaWolf!


      Yes, welcome!!! Make yourself at home. 😀


      I saw that second listing and thought it was emerald’s until I read the seller’s name. That’s lousy of her to do that. I wonder whether she really is a dealer with permission to sell her retired stock on E-Bay?

      On a more positive note: Welcome to the board, SeaWolf! Good to hear from you.


        Thank you everyone for all your support. I really appreciate being able to vent this to you.


        Sorry for you aggravation Emerald!

        I too have had my auctions copied word for word several times. When I would notice them, I would send the seller a pleasant email about how I was flattered that they found my words good enough to copy, but they really shouldn’t copy word for word.

        Basically, I just do it to let them know that I noticed their blatant copying, but I really can’t do much since my words arent copyrighted. The fact that they used your picture too, would warrant more than just a pleasant email. That is dowright unacceptable!!! GRRRRRRR! 👿

        I hope they have their listing removed and get disciplined by EBay for this crime!

        Good luck, Emerald!


          they say that copying is the biggest form of flattery but I still say this stinks.


            Goldragon2! wrote:

            Sorry for you aggravation Emerald!

            I too have had my auctions copied word for word several times. When I would notice them, I would send the seller a pleasant email about how I was flattered that they found my words good enough to copy, but they really shouldn’t copy word for word.

            Basically, I just do it to let them know that I noticed their blatant copying, but I really can’t do much since my words arent copyrighted. The fact that they used your picture too, would warrant more than just a pleasant email. That is dowright unacceptable!!! GRRRRRRR! 👿

            I hope they have their listing removed and get disciplined by EBay for this crime!

            Good luck, Emerald!

            But they are copyrighted. The minute you post them on Ebay they are copyrighted. Ebay will remove their posts (supposedly) for copying somebody else’s words. You can report them for that.


              I’m glad to know this I have never sold on e-bay yet so it’s good to know especially to make sure I do not do it myself if I ever do sell anyting on evil-bay


              I haven’t been to ebay yet this am. I will have to go have a look at that. It is bogus for someone to copy someone else’s work. They surely don’t let you do it in school! It will be a cold day when I bid on something that is blatently copied from someone else. Not that I want a peacock Lap or Scratcher, but I still wouldn’t bid on theirs Emerald. 👿
              Besides, I actually like to see other people selling and buying from forum memebers more than outside of the forums. That is what being in a “Club” atmosphere is supposed to be like anyway! 8)


                This person’s auctions (the two they copied my words/photo for) have been removed. Yay! Ebay has finally dealt with them. I’m so glad.


                All right ❗ I-m glad for you, emerald. E-Bay can do some things right. 🙂


                  I’m glad they finally did what was right for a change


                  $255 for the lap and still five hours to go. Wow, emerald. Did you expect it to go for so much?


                    $255 for a lap does not seem to be too high to me. But I also have not been watching what they sell for. What is the going rate now??


                    If you consider it’s a peacock, only just retired at $144, emerald is getting great business.

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