Dragons, and poads, and werepanthers, oh my! Hi, I'm new!

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    I’m an animal lover too. Kind of hard not to be when you resemble the object of your affection ha.
    (don’t ask)-(unless you’re agent mulder from the x-files then you might be able to handle it).

    oooohhhhhh !! Im very intrigued ! Do tell ! Im not Mulder, but Im the next best thing… Scully 😉


    I’m an animal lover too. Kind of hard not to be when you resemble the object of your affection ha.
    (don’t ask)-(unless you’re agent mulder from the x-files then you might be able to handle it).

    oooohhhhhh !! Im very intrigued ! Do tell ! Im not Mulder, but Im the next best thing… Scully 😉

    Sorry Scully, “trust no one” and all that jazz… not even my own mother knows. Only two other people and only because of their backgrounds, – not to totally go with the cryptic response cliché but it’s true.
    Sides, I’m still working at figuring it all out myself so should hardly speak with any certainty or authority on matters at hand. On a side note though, believe it or not I did see a UFO two night back to back when I was in the military star gazing with a real civilian contractor rocket scientist contractor mid way up Mt. Figouroa sp? near Santa Ynez s. CA in about 2008 or 2009 shortly before my service time was complete and I elected to move on to other things. Took pictures with a few different types of cameras, but none turned out – imagine that. Tech kept crapping on and off too.
    Could have been something military suppose since we where near a major air base being in the USAF and all but not like anything I’ve ever seen or heard about. I was afraid to go out after dark for weeks after, but then someone made a good point, as if a house and locked door are going to stop something like that possibly if it did want to do the abduction thing… no adductee stories but did get some kind of neon green flash across the ground around us at twilight before seeing them that evening and yeah, no one’s going to pass it off as swamp gas to me!

    Forever seeking: plum, chili pepper, and tattoo oriental dragons and kirins.


    Oh how cool ! Have you ever seen the movie “Fire in the Sky” ? Based on a true story. You must have seen it, its been around for ages, and I consider it a classic for people who “Believe” 😉

    I myself have had my own share of close encounters… Many years back I was at an Ex’s place and we heard this very loud deep noise… very loud… and we went outside to look. It was night time, and all we could see were these sets of lights, low in the sky, heading away from us skimming the trees. It appeared large enough to be a cargo plane, and it was a deep rumbling sound, you could ‘feel’ the noise, it was vibrating the air. But what plane would fly that low? Plus there were no airports around there….. still makes me wonder to this day…. and later that night we seen weird flashes of light in the back of the house, in the woods.

    Ahh… mysteries of the unexplained… makes life way more interesting ! 😉


    Oh how cool ! Have you ever seen the movie “Fire in the Sky” ? Based on a true story. You must have seen it, its been around for ages, and I consider it a classic for people who “Believe” 😉

    I myself have had my own share of close encounters… Many years back I was at an Ex’s place and we heard this very loud deep noise… very loud… and we went outside to look. It was night time, and all we could see were these sets of lights, low in the sky, heading away from us skimming the trees. It appeared large enough to be a cargo plane, and it was a deep rumbling sound, you could ‘feel’ the noise, it was vibrating the air. But what plane would fly that low? Plus there were no airports around there….. still makes me wonder to this day…. and later that night we seen weird flashes of light in the back of the house, in the woods.

    Ahh… mysteries of the unexplained… makes life way more interesting ! 😉

    I have watched that freaky movie a time or two. That happened to me and the aliens would be mopping up a large puddle of cat tinkle ha! Or trying to restrain a “thing” on an escape rampage through their craft.
    I’d like to think. (I jest not )I don’t like the grays. They really are bugged eyed razzoles. Not that I’ve met any, nor do I ever wish to. Your experiences are definitely intriguing and unsettling. Lights in the woods..Hm, not sure I’d go try to look or not. I think not.

    Forever seeking: plum, chili pepper, and tattoo oriental dragons and kirins.

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