
Dragon Hatchery!!

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      Darnit! I am scroll locked! I am trying for a neglected, and so I will have to wait until Tuesday! Grr…..


        Oh look!!! I almost got a neglected today!!



          Two more adults! After my very first two hatchlings died from not enough views, I am soooo glad to have discovered the hatcheries through the dragon cave forum. So far all my eggs/hatchlings have been proceeding at lightning speed and doing great!

          Meet Bannerly:

          and Gal Axy:


          Lol. Got carried away… ๐Ÿ˜ณ Giving links right now.


            Bump in case anyone else is still collecting Dragons


              I am. And there are two new ones out today.


                <-This egg is really hot.

                <- This heavy egg feels slightly warm.


                  Well, this is a seriously off-chance, but I thought I’d post anyway.

                  I am looking to have an almost 100% CB/purebred scroll (Dorkfaces are exceptions) and will need CB silvers and golds.

                  All I have to offer right now are a couple Yoshi eggs – one triceratops style, one brontosaurus style. both have two or three days left to hatch; I can fog them to prevent hatching if necessary. Looking to trade for: CB or purebred Gold, Silver, any of the Legendary Trio.


                    Jerusha wrote:

                    Well, this is a seriously off-chance, but I thought I’d post anyway.

                    I am looking to have an almost 100% CB/purebred scroll (Dorkfaces are exceptions) and will need CB silvers and golds.

                    All I have to offer right now are a couple Yoshi eggs – one triceratops style, one brontosaurus style. both have two or three days left to hatch; I can fog them to prevent hatching if necessary. Looking to trade for: CB or purebred Gold, Silver, any of the Legendary Trio.

                    Wish I could help you, but I have had zero luck getting a cb metallic or some of the trio. I’m still missing magma from the trio. At this point, I’d take what I can get for the magma. And I need another thunder. I might be able to help you with the ice. I’ll take a look.


                      PS, I don’t think the legendary trio will breed pure…that is I don’t think an ice will breed with an ice or a magma will breed with a magma, etc. I do have a couple of cb ice that I can breed with cb something or other.


                        Thanks for the tip! I’m not necessarily looking into breeding the ones that I have unless they’re pure-bred compatible, at least for eggs to keep myself. I would be willing to cross-breed for other folks’ benefit. I’m only looking at the parentage at this point. So I guess the Trio would have to be CB too, huh. Well, that’s ok. Part of the fun, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

                        One of my Yoshi’s will be hatching today, the other tomorrow. If I can’t get them traded for metallics or Trio’s, I’ll just add them to my scroll (Gotta catch’em all, or something). I wonder what the new egg adults will look like?


                          Yep trios, metallics and holidays will not breed with each other, they will always refuse. Good luck finding CB metallics. I’ve only got one and am always looking for them to no avail. Since they are some of the original dragons, their CB population is down because there are so many out there and there are so many that at bred.


                          ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ *GASP!!* ONE OF THE NEW BREEDS IS A KITTY??!!! *superglues butt to chair and goes on a frantic site search*


                            DragonCat wrote:

                            ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ *GASP!!* ONE OF THE NEW BREEDS IS A KITTY??!!! *superglues butt to chair and goes on a frantic site search*

                            What? Which breed? I am confused. ๐Ÿ˜›


                              I want to know too!!!

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