
Dragon Hatchery!!

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      well 2 people then got the 2008’s I wish I could have gotten some 07’s
      Peg I can never click on yours in your profile for some reason


        That’s because I only have the picture part of the code posted here. Since the URL limit is so small (3) and I usually have more than that I just put them up for views here. If you ever want to actually click on my dragons click the web icon under my user name (it looks like a globe) and it will take you directly to my scroll. I use soti’s fansite and another forum I frequent to get clicks.


          I got 2 males from Christmas 08 and 2 females from Christmas 09!!


            That’s because the Christmas 08 dragons are an all male species and the Christmas 09 are an all female species, which apparently has three different varieties:


              are all 3 yours or from a site?? I could only get 2 eggs and I thought that was all we could get this year???


                pegasi1978 wrote:

                Dragon Master wrote:

                I got 2 09’s and was able to breed 2 08’s and both got abandoned
                I thought it was no more then 2 for a specific year??

                It’s two total of the type, not two of the type per year. If you had only caught one 2008, you would have been able to breed and keep one 2008 egg this year, but since you already had your two adults of the 2008 type then all eggs were abandoned.

                siberakh1 wrote:

                I hope I can grab one still. I’d have to try tomorrow during the day when I’m home (I can’t do it from work). I logged on Christmas day. Hardly anyone was on and the cave was empty every time I tried. 🙁

                And unless you can find an egg/hatchling on the abandoned page you won’t be able to get one as they are no longer dropping in the cave. I snagged mine (and eaglefeather’s) just after they started dropping in the cave on Christmas day. Let me know if you didn’t get one siberakh1 and I can see about giving you one of my 2009 hatchlings. Eaglefeather taught me how to trade and it’s fairly easy to do.

                Nope… never got one. I can’t get on at work (due to the proxy there) and haven’t had an ounce of time at the house with my family and my mom doing her usual ‘freak out’ it’s the holidays. 🙄


                  Those were just posted to a website, they aren’t actually linked to a dragon. And it’s been said that whatever one of your Christmas 09 grows into both will grow into. There are lots of grumblings over the fact that there are variations and it is impossible to have all three due to scroll limitations.

                  The reason you are limited for 2 of a christmas type (and two at valentines) is the holiday is about giving, thus the 2 per type limit. With Halloween since the holiday is about taking (of candy), there is no limit.


                    I can’t access Drag Cave from work now either so I’m stuck to home time to get anything

                    Anyone know if there will be a New Year Egg??
                    I need to decide if I should drive home between jobs or not


                      pegasi1978 wrote:

                      That’s because I only have the picture part of the code posted here. Since the URL limit is so small (3) and I usually have more than that I just put them up for views here. If you ever want to actually click on my dragons click the web icon under my user name (it looks like a globe) and it will take you directly to my scroll. I use soti’s fansite and another forum I frequent to get clicks.

                      when I click the Scroll link I only see Eggs not any adults??


                        That’s because I have my adults hidden since they don’t need views/clicks to stay alive. Makes it easy to tell what is still growing.


                          My growing ones are always at the bottom of my scroll but everyone looks at thing different
                          I can understand it since I have over 100 dragons to get thru to get to the bottm on my scroll
                          I wonder which one my 2nd Christmas 09 dragon is
                          the anticipation is KILLING ME!!!
                          This one is the older of the 2 also she should have grown up first!!! DERN IT!!!


                            Thanks to Pegasi1978, I have some new little eggs and a hatchling. 🙂


                              Welcome back to the hatchery !!


                                siberakh1 wrote:

                                Thanks to Pegasi1978, I have some new little eggs and a hatchling. 🙂

                                Glad I could help! 😀 Thanks to eaglefeather for teaching me how to trade in the first place.


                                  I need some help with this little fella…he only has one day left….PLEASE help me hatch him… 🙂


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