Dragon Hatchery!!

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    Wow! Look at my catches last night…
    First I got a splitter that had less than 3 days to hatch, and not even any clicks or cracks in the egg, so I put it in ICU in a couple of suggested places, and BAM! within 15 minutes, it hatched!

    Then I scored this Egg:

    and this one:

    But I am probably going to “abandon” that one, to try to get another of the best one of all, which is on my Siggy now, A DINO–Finally! YaY! 😀


    Plus yesterday I scored a stone egg also. Now my question is–what do we do with our dragons once they are grown up????? I can’t put them all on my siggy. I only have room for 2 or 3… 😕


    49ER wrote:

    Plus yesterday I scored a stone egg also. Now my question is–what do we do with our dragons once they are grown up????? I can’t put them all on my siggy. I only have room for 2 or 3… 😕

    I made a section for them on my deviantart page, where you could put as many as you want really…


    Where’s that?


    49ER wrote:

    Where’s that?


    One of my boxes says “custom” and I put some dragons there 🙂


    I caught this female hatchling today, and it looked like something a certain forum member would love, so I named her–“Pegasi’s Dream”


      Pegasi’s Dream – Aww! 8)

      I’d keep that little egg you have 49ER. It is almost as rare as the dinos, and will grow up into a chicken.

      Once your dragons are adults you don’t have to post them anywhere to get more view. They won’t die unless you kill them. If you have dragons of compatible breeds you can breed them to have more eggs to raise. Some dragon types are only obtained through breeding like the geode and the colored stripes.


      But where do I keep them to get them of my scroll until I decide to breed them?


      pegasi1978 wrote:

      Pegasi’s Dream – Aww! 8)

      I’d keep that little egg you have 49ER. It is almost as rare as the dinos, and will grow up into a chicken.

      Once your dragons are adults you don’t have to post them anywhere to get more view. They won’t die unless you kill them. If you have dragons of compatible breeds you can breed them to have more eggs to raise. Some dragon types are only obtained through breeding like the geode and the colored stripes.

      And the alt blacks and alt vines 49ER, dragons that have grown remain on your scroll unless you kill them. As Pegasi said, they need no more views once they’ve grown, so you can remove them from your siggie and replace them with your new eggs. Congrats on all your rare eggs, too, by the way. And I wouldn’t recommend abandoning the chicken, they are really rare. Strangely, for your chick and cheese egg, it does not have you down as the owner yet.


      Oh, I did abandon those already, to try to get other dinos (got a purple), but I did get another cheese egg, those are easy for me to get for some reason, not the dinos. I can probably get another chick if I want to, but I am not sure I want it, I don’t want to breed it, or anything, I would rather save that spot to try to get a dino–the problem is, I sometimes accidentally click the wrong thing, something I don’t want in the cave, then I am stuck with that for 5 hours before they let me abandon it again. 😡


        Chickens can’t breed (neither can dinos, paper or cheese dragons), they are just a joke creature.


        That explains why I don’t see a lineage on them…I thought it was because I took them from the cave. XD


          🙂 Here is my newest slimy blue egg…



          Nice! I love that green hatchling on your siggy! What did that egg look like? I don’t remember…


          I picked up this hatchling from the abandoned eggs section, does anybody know what it is? And is it breedable? There is no lineage showing for this, only that it’s egg was stolen, but I have seen this egg before, with lineages before, so I had assumed it would be breedable:

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