
Dragon Hatchery!!

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    lol I got one of the purple dinos 😛 TJ also said that there’s a purple chicken out there too…but we think he’s just playing us 😛
    it’s in my siggy V



    Did you know I turned those down because I thought they were just a bunch of blues? I scored one too, along with a translucent egg. Congrats!


      I’ve got three purple dinos (though I only remember clicking on and getting the code for two). I’m going to hold on to two of them, then when I can drop the third and go for the strange markings egg in hopes of getting one while they are still more prevelant than skywings and frills.


        Is there anyone else out there that has a place to post these eggs??
        Khat7 has not picked up the last couple PM’s and these eggs are getting older and not much in the way of views??
        I only post here and can’t figure out how to make my siggie smaller to delete the Christmas dragon to add others by my siggie


        http://www.sotidragon.net is a great place to post eggs. I believe on the dragcave forum they give a list of nurseries to post eggs to as well.


        pegasi1978 wrote:

        Dragon Master wrote:

        Did you get my most recent posted?? They are VERY low on views under 100

        I added them to the hatchery at Soti Dragon for you.

        Thanks, That’s the one I usually use but I was a bit busy today 😀 I also use DC fansite but it keeps telling me there are no eggs ? 😕


        khat7 wrote:

        pegasi1978 wrote:

        Dragon Master wrote:

        Did you get my most recent posted?? They are VERY low on views under 100

        I added them to the hatchery at Soti Dragon for you.

        Thanks, That’s the one I usually use but I was a bit busy today 😀 I also use DC fansite but it keeps telling me there are no eggs ? 😕

        I know, I am getting the same thing. There isn’t any eggs listed on the site, so I am wondering what’s going on. 😕


        I use the DCFansite ER :



          The DC Fansite has been having trouble lately and the only way to add eggs (other than the ER) is to go on the DC Fansite thread on the Dragon Cave forum and request to have your eggs added to their hatchery.


          I noticed that : I thought it was just my computer…x_x;;



            I might not be able to get anymore eggs then
            they are not getting NEAR enough views now
            Khat7 posted them for me and usually that is enough to get them to hatch then grow up and I don’t want to get eggs just so they can die on me


              There are several other places to post eggs other than DC Fansite. I usually use Soti-Dragon’s Nest & Nursey by itself and have no problem raising eggs. They might take a little longer than 3.49 days, but not very often. I don’t remember any of mine getting close to 2 days. If I want my eggs to grow a little faster I’ll post them in the livejournal dragonspam community that I am a member of.




              Did anyone notice anything strange with their dragons when they checked their scroll? One of my dragons disappeared!

              Edit: Never mind, I found the answer on the Dragcave Forum. Apparently, dragons with codes beginning with w, x, y, or z have been lost; their data was corrupted when the server went down.


                purpledragonclaw wrote:

                Did anyone notice anything strange with their dragons when they checked their scroll? One of my dragons disappeared!

                Edit: Never mind, I found the answer on the Dragcave Forum. Apparently, dragons with codes beginning with w, x, y, or z have been lost; their data was corrupted when the server went down.
                My dragons are out of order some.

                And the only w, x, y or z dragons that should be lost are those stolen after May 1 (about 1% of dragons).

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