Dragon Hatchery!!

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    😮 I haven’t been online lately….


      Keplilly wrote:

      Dragon Master wrote:

      I wonder why my new orange one does not have a gender??

      Young hatchlings don’t show gender do they? Not till they get a little bigger.
      I thought they showed gender as soon as the hathed?? I’ll check again when they start to mature. I do not want to name them until I know if they are boys are girls. Know what I mean? Jelly Bean


      Dragon Master wrote:

      Keplilly wrote:

      Dragon Master wrote:

      I wonder why my new orange one does not have a gender??

      Young hatchlings don’t show gender do they? Not till they get a little bigger.
      I thought they showed gender as soon as the hathed?? I’ll check again when they start to mature. I do not want to name them until I know if they are boys are girls. Know what I mean? Jelly Bean

      Not until they get their wings, gills or whatever. Usually just before hey mature into adults


        I will keep watch and name them after that then. I already have a Male Empress and do not need another one like that


        Dragon Master wrote:

        I will keep watch and name them after that then. I already have a Male Empress and do not need another one like that

        I hear ya. I’ve got a couple girly sounding males myself 😆


          I recall with the older site that every dragon (or dinosaur or chicken in some cases) was male with the exception of the pink, purple, and some silvers.

          I hope things have changed since then. It’d be nice to have some variety in dragon genders.


          Skitterfly wrote:

          I recall with the older site that every dragon (or dinosaur or chicken in some cases) was male with the exception of the pink, purple, and some silvers.

          I hope things have changed since then. It’d be nice to have some variety in dragon genders.

          You may commence the dancing for joy. 😀 All dragons now come in male or female. Even the mint, lol.
          I don’t know about the Dinos or Chicken. I haven’t tried for those. Right now I just want dragons 😆


            So far my Dino’s have been Male


              Hooray, that is indeed very much welcomed news! Good to note that my old dragons still have their old genders as well. I don’t imagine Zerthak, Destroyer of Worlds would have appreciated suddenly finding himself female. 😆


                Skitterfly wrote:

                Hooray, that is indeed very much welcomed news! Good to note that my old dragons still have their old genders as well. I don’t imagine Zerthak, Destroyer of Worlds would have appreciated suddenly finding himself female. 😆

                Stranger things have happened!!


                  Is anyone finding eggs?? I have not seen any since this morning??


                    I’ve seen dragons released at the top of the previous hours, but they’ve only been showing up in waves of 3. I have no clue if it’s an intended feature or if it’ll be addressed at all.


                    Dragon Master wrote:

                    Is anyone finding eggs?? I have not seen any since this morning??

                    Copied from the forum: TJ changed the times eggs are released, as requested by the users. Most eggs are still released on the hour, but others are also released in 5 minute increments, so not everyone is refreshing at once and killing the server.

                    Also, the amount of eggs released at a time is random, and I think zero is one of the possible numbers. If not, then there were probably only one or two eggs, and they were snatched quickly.


                      Skitterfly wrote:

                      I’ve seen dragons released at the top of the previous hours, but they’ve only been showing up in waves of 3. I have no clue if it’s an intended feature or if it’ll be addressed at all.

                      When eggs show up there are only three on the screen at a time. You have to refresh to see the different egg types that are released in each batch.


                        pegasi1978 wrote:

                        Skitterfly wrote:

                        I’ve seen dragons released at the top of the previous hours, but they’ve only been showing up in waves of 3. I have no clue if it’s an intended feature or if it’ll be addressed at all.

                        When eggs show up there are only three on the screen at a time. You have to refresh to see the different egg types that are released in each batch.

                        Oh yeah, I’ve played this game for quite some time. It’s just that I’ve noticed that after refreshing a completely new batch of eggs, instead of a newly adopted egg being replaced by a new one as in the past, it just decreases the pile by one.

                        I guess all the battles for the egg pile were too much strain on the server, so they’re spreading release times out. Either that, or they’re more popular now than I realize and swarms of dragon-crazy people are adopting eggs faster than I can blink and my laptop can refresh. 😆

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